You'Ve Journeyed Far In Your Long Life Poem by Francis Duggan

You'Ve Journeyed Far In Your Long Life

I have never been to the North Pole to the Land of the Midnight sun
Or I have never been to a war zone or even learned how to use a gun
And I've never been to the Amazon the World's biggest river 'tis said
Though of the adventures of others one might say a little I've read.

I have never been to the Serengeti the World's biggest Wildlife park
Or climbed to the top of Mt Everest and in history made my mark
So many places I've not seen and things I've yet to do
And I know in my heart and soul I'm not as great as you

You've been a decorated man and you have travelled far
And like an old warrior you are one who can show many a battle scar
You've seen so much I have not seen and done things I've not done
For I cannot speak as you do speak of battles fought and won.

Though with your stories of your warring days yourself to me you don't endear
Of stories of your travels and adventures I surely love to hear
And you know far more than I know of the bigger World out there
You've journeyed far in your long life and men like you are rare.

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