R.K.S. Yadav

R.K.S. Yadav Poems

When you move on your path
In life with nothing in your hand
Have faith in yourself
And remain firm to stand

Have you ever been on the sea shore
To behold the roaring of the waves
And think of something pleasant more
Than this beauty that the God saves?

Like a withered flower
Thou were lying there
On a wooden bier for ever
An electrocuted immature.

thou left me alone many years back
therefore, in my life i feel lack
today i can jump, spring and run
just to fill my life with fun

My mother once gave me an order
To do some errand
I took it lightly but promised
Just like a trend

Thou left me alone many years back
Therefore, in my life, I feel a lack
Today I can jump and run
To fill my life with fun

Once upon a time there was a saint
Who through his words spread scent
To guide those whose life was in dark
With his disciple who shone with spark

Dare to fight for your right
With all, you think your might
Cling to your path even at night
Full of dark without any light

When we leave our beds before the sun rises
To behold the beauty of morn with surprises
We feel enthralled and free from scorn
With the dancing dew drops on the corn

Corruption corruption everywhere
And the people are in grief
Corruption corruption everywhere
Not a single moment in relief.

The gifts of Nature on the Earth
Big or small in size
Give an impulse to our birth
To get a prize

Life is both sweet and bitter
Gifted with bier and litter
It is the course very hard
Moves between thorns and flowers

Once upon a time in the jungle land
There were two friends near the sand
One of them was a boastful creature
Who always tried to be a preacher

On a hot summer day under a tree
There was a lion sleeping free
Near by the tree in a deep hole
There was a mouse noisy as a mole

Duryodhan was the man of evil and greed
He was full of lust and looked in need
A haughty and filthy natured man
Who never respected even a woman

Urmila, the wife of Laxman, son of Dashrath
Was the lady of sacrifice since her birth
She was the lady of renunciation after all
And kept herself happy being fearless of fall

Jeevan ki har ek dasha men
Aage badhta jaaunga
Andhkaar jitna bhi ho par
Tanik nahin ghabraaunga

Aaj dhara ke liye uthenge haath humare,
Aao milkar poore karlen apne sapne saare,
Dharti maa ki khatir aaj chalen hum,
Hare bhare vrakshon se pyaar kare hum,

Aaj dhara ke liye uthenge haanth humare,
Aao milkar poore karlen apne sapne saare,
Dharti maa ki khatir aaj chalen hum,
Hare bhare vrakshon se pyaar kare hum,

I met corruption sitting in a splendid car
Last night while thinking about this scar
Stopping his car I wished him a good morning
He said yes what can I do for you this evening?

The Best Poem Of R.K.S. Yadav

Life Never Stops

When you move on your path
In life with nothing in your hand
Have faith in yourself
And remain firm to stand
You will meet challenges
That will certainly disturb
But your steps will keep on going
And you will be called superb
You have everything if will power
With its help you can climb a tower
Go no and think of your dream
That will take you to the stream
People will read your success story
And be inspired till the posterity.

R.K.S. Yadav Comments

Abhishek kumar 15 May 2018

Very simple and meaningful

9 0 Reply
Prashant Kumar 21 April 2018

Sir you are the best

10 0 Reply
Kunal Sharma 19 April 2018

You are my inspiration sir

10 0 Reply

R.K.S. Yadav Quotes

The fools use their tongues like their noses.

The bitter experiences make us stronger than the usual ones.

Life without good character, is nothing but a closed chapter.

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