R. Kenaniah Santhosh Raj

R. Kenaniah Santhosh Raj Poems

We're moving towards this unforeseeable place -
Towards the same goal, but in different directions.
We look at our journey in different ways
With the same eyes, but with different dimensions.

The birds sing a song of thanks as they come out in the morning,
For they know that the darkness has faded and the dawn has come
They fear not the darkness that shall come again,
For they know where their help comes from.

Count the hands that bring roses to the dead,
And the eyes that shed tears for the deceased.
Watch out for the lips that give comforting words,
And watch how their love has suddenly increased.

For dust we are and to dust we shall return,
And with us shall all our earthly concerns;
The ones that we exalt in our hearts so high,
Shall also be dust on the day we die.

How different does the world seem
When you see it through a child's eyes
How different does the world seem
When you lay behind man's wicked lies.

The Best Poem Of R. Kenaniah Santhosh Raj

Closer To The Grave Everyday

We're moving towards this unforeseeable place -
Towards the same goal, but in different directions.
We look at our journey in different ways
With the same eyes, but with different dimensions.

The hour or the moment we don't know,
It's as unpredictable as they say.
Days go by reaping what we sow
As we move closer to the grave everyday.

The journey is too short for melancholy strain,
All the hatred and anger we don't carry to that day.
Love and respect is all we have to gain
As we move closer to the grave everyday

Years of enmity when time is fleeting -
How much more do we have to waste?
But only until this heart stops beating,
There is a lot of love left to taste.

When joy preponderates over sorrow,
And faith over fear;
We have hope for a better tomorrow,
And a brighter path will appear.

There's always a reason why we're born -
Is what we were taught to say,
And with that purpose our life is adorned,
As we move closer to the grave everyday.

R. Kenaniah Santhosh Raj Comments

Chandra Shekhar Dubey 05 April 2024

Thank you R.Kensnish for your words of wisdom.

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Chandra Shekhar Dubey 03 April 2024

Very good poem that beautifully captures the unapprehended fear and thoughts.

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