Raj Yura

Raj Yura Poems

on the brink of ecstasy
knowing you will be
a pile of tulips on the
astray path of long miles

doing is knowing
and knowing is sowing
the sadness of Adam,
ripened when a thought

In dice of droughts I ace around,
thousand blue Lotus turn and surround
thirsty seas I yearn for drinking
and loose about

There are people who do science not with staid eyes,
But with those of mercy,
when they see themselves in nature
and have pity vividly on this world,

I heard you say hello
but on the turning away
I heard you again, but this time fainter
I would have fainted for the vodka

To the Sun on this November day
planets and stars fall turn by turn,
in a sack full of the earth's mounds
they fall tons by ton rambling,

Unsteady, what is love to being? In love to be!
My life led me to believe thorns are the norm
Flowers are for the evening gown of the marksman
Who in the middle of the dust storm

In the name of Eve whose sojourn fills the tomes
And Eden is a far cry from heavens
A tamed shadow ascends the tree
A peep into the nether world restores Adam's fall

The grains of wheat are for the sturdy and weak
Who go to a hell and comes back with a yell
The grains are suffice to remind them of the earth be
But who goes to heaven and comes back with a pell

The Best Poem Of Raj Yura

On The Brink Of Ecstasy

on the brink of ecstasy
knowing you will be
a pile of tulips on the
astray path of long miles

I walk the silvery track
lost in thy swelled bosom
as I hear the bells tinkling
from the chimes of far Church
I see the hand of the virgin
picking the mauve paper-roses
they don't smell the scent of flower
but I cherish the parted hair
being emboldened by the shards
of false-flowers

I selectively wear the
colour grey on the wings
and drink the rum on tides
there is a smile on thy face
as if wind is lost in forest
and I choose thy cheeks
reddened more than red wine
to smoothen the buds of
Chardonnay entwined
on the brink of ecstasy

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