Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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The Great 'Grandma'

The fussy Grandma
was on her last moments.
Sensing that she was knocking
at the doors of 'Death',


With packets of rice
and some money(some cents) ,
We'd start at noon
and walk across the fields

Quench His Yen, You Hen!

You type a mail
of love in laptop.
Words of honey,
love and embrace,


Gandhi who preached
and practised non-violence
is a god to worship.
A god is in the form

A Spot Of Waterfalls (Thalakone-Andhra State, India)

On the rear side of the
Seven Hills off Tirupathi,
a silver cascade of
chill herbal water

Love Your Neighbour As Yourself


The swallows see the pigeons with fears.
The tigers chase and gnaw the meek deers.
The Jasmine laughs at the rose.
The sea gets up the land's nose.

The Goodness Of A Life-Mate (Section-6 Of Thirukural)

1. She who is a paragon of wifely- virtues and a spender
within the means of her husband, is a good life-support.
2. If the wife is bereft of household excellence,
life is worthless even if it has any other greatness.

Set Free The Prime Minister

Elect the P.M straight by the mass
to book and grill the swindlers enmass.
A wise P.M with tied hands be a scapegoat
for the scams, the leaders corrupt bloat.

Thiruvalluvar's Couplets On Fame

231. Live to be bounteous to the poor to win fame.
Is there more useful gain for the humans than this name?
232. What the speakers talk about a man is his renown
as his largesse to the needy makes him well known.

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