O the beacon of my storm-tossed life!
Blunt not my passionate love on you
and tear my heart and mind to keep them in strife.
I won't in this life for your wild treatment sue
The poets all over the world
feel proud to see the soldier,
Zhenya Perepelitsa, recited a verse
which at once touched the human hearts,
When the pimps charmed him
to pass time till morning
in the haven near the bus-station,
he walked in hanging his head.
When the corrupt politician
was shut behind the bars,
he roared in anger in a language
couched in figures and metaphors:
You don't have a taste for the music of songs.
You smileto sneak into the hearts of all
and leave in a sudden making them grieve.
Your looks to lure and manoeuvresto catch
She swept me up to the dreamy sky.
Riffs of her music filled my heart.
In her close embrace, I swooned.
Hugged me and kissed me.
O my Lord Siva, the luring Dancer!
If I bring to your notice
the fallen value of Rupee against the Dollars,
which has triggered a spiral of price rise,
The Aussies might practise racial abuse
on those who in public places embrace and kiss.
To kick and punch the brown they seem resolute
from stopping them, the rhythm of life, they pollute.
A God Particle has the name, Higgs Boson.
Higgs Boson gives mass to a particle.
A particle nearby acquires more mass.
The mass of a particle is the amount of matter.
When his friends are roaming in shoping malls,
he is in the library, sinking in Shakespeare,
and not noticing me in the opposite seat.
When his friends crave for a glance from me,