ramesh rai Poems

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The Last Verse

The last verse shall be written
on the day of resurrection
by the great poet
who created all.


Softness prevails the earth
to sprout seed in her womb
softness is the mercy thawing from earth
softness in water cleanses all dirt

The Poor Boy

His granny told him so many stories
how to send messages to God
through writing message on kites
through writing message on paper boat

I Meet You

I meet you in your tears
like a pearl, keep under your eye lid
or else will be trampled by pedestrian
certainly it will pain me

The Storm Came

The storm came without any notice
like the Kaal-Vaishakhi, to sweep the dry leaves
the storm came without any notice
to customize the nature, for pan-creation of life

Toughest Job

Exploring the desert, valleys
high hills and mountains
with an expedition to cross
seas and oceans, pierced


My yesterday is gone
never to come back again

keeping its reminiscence

She Has Gone For Eternal Sleep

Ssssshhhhh! ! ! ! !
Keep silence, don't make a noise
she has gone for eternal sleep
where she'll be aboding

Poetry Of Love And Smiles

Thou art the poetry of love and smiles
each metre is composed with your soulful words
each metre consists the ecstasy, flowing
like a cascade falling from high mountain

Broad Day Light

Broad day light had never been so
when i could realise fathom of my soul
my mind asks me, where thou art going
to an endless path, that will never meet

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