Ramesh T A Poems

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Harvesting Of Rain Water Can Solve Water Problem!

Rains or not, some Sunshine is there in the morning;
After evening, there's no Moon and Stars in dark sky;
All rain waters go waste to the sea with noway to store;
Water scarcity can be solved by making reservoir for rain!

Let Us Enjoy Life As We Dream In Freedom!

Quick call of myna bird woke me up in the morning and my thoughts flew as free bird;
Birds noted for freedom and songs of joy are also in a hurry in the competitive world;
Something or other makes everyone to be in a hurry in this world life each and every day;
Time should be under our control, if our freedom is real and enjoyable in the world!

Achieve Laurels In Flying Colours!

Achieve Laurels in Flying Colours!
Many are wandering everywhere in search of jobs not available according to each one's taste;
In the commercialized educational field too courses of specialization make many unemployable;
Unable to change according to the situation many wander and wander in wonder for a job;

Which Is Better - Memory Or Forgetfulness?

Looking back from the past to the present what a great change one sees in profile;
From childhood to old age, bodily change is striking much and not easy to identity;
We cannot recognize who we are seeing old photos from the past to the present;
In the same way, if we happen to see our future profile, will we recognize or identify?

Incomplete Or Unaccomplished Mission?

Without support survival of writers is seldom in this world of uncertainty;
Sans any assistance and encouragement one does writing work besides obligations;
In the first phase, obligations took a lion's share of my life in my world life;
In the second phase, I decided to write at least Poetry for relief and revive my ambition!

A Battle Between Nature And Man Continuing...!

Cold snow mountains silently sitting as meditating sage
Eternally remain as fixed trees growing in the forests!
Melting ice in the spring time flows in cascading falls
From the high mountains down the valley as rivers;

A Concept Of Nature And Man!

Nature is a living scientific art God enjoys best;
Nature’s artistic evolution is God’s grand creation
Of algae, plants, fish, reptiles, birds, beasts, man and divine!

A Beautiful Colour Festival, Holi!

The Earth is full of colour, love and life in the whole Universe!
Colourful pageant of species parades in all parts of the world!
After Winter, Holi, the festival of colour welcomes Spring season
And colourful romantic mood maroons men in mirth and revelry!

A Bird Or Poet?

Crows are very many everywhere;
Skylarks and Nightingales are a few;
Sea gulls are around seashore areas;
Albatross are in distant ocean places;

Freedom And Peace Lost!

This world has become worthless to live sans freedom and -peace;
Freedom is lost in the name of developments affecting all ever;
All complexities and problems accruing due to that faded peace!

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