Ramesh T A Poems

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Love At First Sight Now!

World literature and history are full of love stories
Both tragic and comic possible now only in imagination
And dreams raising the question in reality, is love
Really possible in the world as in novels and movies? !

A Modern Artificial Life Style!

There is a big tussle going on between natural way
Of living and artificial way of living in the world;
In the fast world life, to overcome natural hazards
By seasonal woes man seeks artificial measures ever!

Struggle For Survival Is The Natural Policy Of Life!

All struggle for survival unless well placed with all one needs;
Survival of the fittest is justice in the animal kingdom of forest;
Justice was decided by the success of fittest in a struggle as race;
Struggle is maximum possible efforts one exerts to eke out a living!

Wise Way For World Peace!

When North Korea and South Korea join hands for peace,
Friendship and union later, why can't Israel and Palestine
Join hands for friendship and coexistence as two States
And maintain good relationship as India and China try well?

Flower Of Love Should Bloom Naturally!

Flower of love cannot bloom to one in life
By just saying I love you to someone ever;
Flower of love should bloom naturally to one
Even sans saying I love you to anyone sure!

My Dear Marieta!

My Daily Activity!

Writing in the diary became a habit for me;
Writing poetry has become a hobby later...;
Now breathing poetry is vital for my life....!

A Great Boon Dream Is For Man In Life!

Dreams are great compensation for the losses of man in world life;
Imagination, thoughts, desires, feelings and vision create dreams
For man to have a romantic adventure in the night sleep refreshing
His mind, heart and soul to resume his resume with recharged power!

Why Do Moths Rush To Fire?

Like moths many rush to the fire by its attraction
Not knowing that it will burn to death all who play
Around and touch it sans any consideration of one!

Meeting Aliens Soon In Space!

Sending car to Space to orbit round the Sun is news now;
Will the Aliens travelling Space find it to analyse it?
So many things are being discovered about Aliens on Earth
And so many inventions are made matching with theirs also!

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