Ramesh T A Poems

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Only Person Of Propriety Is Praised As Gem Of Persons!

No one can find fault with one morally and socially right;
Such a person of propriety is reliable to anyone anywhere;
Propriety of a person brings praises as gen of persons sure!

Realism Is Reflection Of Modern World Life!

incidences taking place before us and what we see happening
In the world, when expressed as stories, movies, novels, poems,
Newspaper magazine articles, denote realism in modern literature!

Ideas We Form Are Got Out Of Perception And Conception!

Knowledge is power, we all know, but how do get it?
That is a philosophic question worth exploring here!
Knowledge or idea we get out of physical experience
Is what we call or can say by the term perception..!

A Story Telling Grey Pigeons!

A temple city of Tamilnadu I had an opportunity to stay in;
Everyday when I looked out of window from the fifth floor,
I saw buildings mixed with green trees down below always..
And when I looked up vast blue sky was with clouds everywhere!

A Poetic Blessing In Disguise!

Interest in poetry has turned me into a poet
Inspired by the beauty of Nature since long!
Paradise and heaven I have seen in my dreams
That I have converted into poems many ever..!

A Pleasant Day!

Squirrels play everywhere in the house with their
Special sound signalling to their friends to meet!
A busy day has to be tackled with companions better
So that they can have enjoyable time unlike ever...!

A Modern Artificial Life Style!

There is a big tussle going on between natural way
Of living and artificial way of living in the world;
In the fast world life, to overcome natural hazards
By seasonal woes man seeks artificial measures ever!

Love At First Sight Now!

World literature and history are full of love stories
Both tragic and comic possible now only in imagination
And dreams raising the question in reality, is love
Really possible in the world as in novels and movies? !

Flower Of Love Should Bloom Naturally!

Flower of love cannot bloom to one in life
By just saying I love you to someone ever;
Flower of love should bloom naturally to one
Even sans saying I love you to anyone sure!

Destruction Of A Community Is Its Destiny!

Disintegration of joint family into nuclear family is on;
Never should one fall in the net of maya or illusion;
Non-attachment is way to follow to overcome Kali Yuga!

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