Ramesh T A Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Bubble Life!

World is just a bubble in the water of Universe
Among many such bubbles in expanding Sky...!
Life span of each one is predestined already...;
Yet forgetting this many live as if it is eternal!

A Life Time Achievement Award!

Fluttering heart comes to rest as dove settles top!
A bird's eye view of all things makes a summery;
All things full of fun and trauma keep reeling on
Till settlement in peace comes to give relief sure!

A Wonder That Fills My Heart!

Travelling in Nature in train or boat is a wonder true!
Open paradise welcoming all with smiling flowers
And mountains and clouds in the sky ever spread
Bring home all dream fantasies into reality sure!

Romantic Love Drives Life!

Romance is full of challenges to deal with;
Romantic hero and heroine take them well!
Romantic story captures the hearts of youths;
Romeo and Juliet now all like to end in comedy!

A Wonder In The Sky!

Only in the dark nights
Stars create wonder in the Sky
To solace and inspire all!

Immortal Romantic Playwright!

Born and dead on Avon the same date,23rd April
Romantic playwright Shakespeare none can ignore!
He ever lives in his 32 Plays and 154 Sonnets......!

His plays are mirror to life reflecting about humans

A Rain In Waiting!

A Life Of Lovers!

She is for his gold
That will help her!
He is for her love
To live life till end!

Floating In Fantasy!

Dizziness engulfs the mind full as
Cloudy sky creates drowsy scene!
I feel like taken booze in the morn
Though breakfast is over as usual!

Poetry Sleeps!

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