Ramesh T A Poems

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The Scene Of Park!

Depression in the Bay of Bengal has developed
Into a cyclonic storm to cross the shore soon...
With a speed of sixty kilometres per hour sure!

A Great Boon Dream Is For Man In Life!

Dreams are great compensation for the losses of man in world life;
Imagination, thoughts, desires, feelings and vision create dreams
For man to have a romantic adventure in the night sleep refreshing
His mind, heart and soul to resume his resume with recharged power!

Meeting Aliens Soon In Space!

Sending car to Space to orbit round the Sun is news now;
Will the Aliens travelling Space find it to analyse it?
So many things are being discovered about Aliens on Earth
And so many inventions are made matching with theirs also!

Language Extremists Rock The World!

There are various kinds of extremists rocking the Earth
More than storms, volcanic eruptions and Earthquakes...;
There are religious extremists, political extremists,
Language extremists, nationalists and so on in the world!

Achieving Total Liberation!

Commitments, obligations and duties chain all as slaves to work;
All do all to be free from troubles, entanglements and problems;
All want freedom to do what all like, how all like, when all like;
Above all, total liberation is the one great wish for all ever!

Nature And Science Evolution And Revolution!

Attributes of each species are set in the genes of everyone;
Natural character can't be changed, but only controlled by
Rationality, if one's personality is developed by knowledge,
Which is not permanent as it's stifled, when emotion is utmost!

To Rest In Peace At The End!

Living as good human is very difficult among doubters ever;
If one adjusts to all others around one, others doubt one;
If one does all things pretty well, all feel jealous of one;
At the end, due to such adverse situation, one is disappointed!

Completion Of One's Life Lies In Greatest Work Of Joy!

Natural sense of beauty with discipline behind love kindles
Creativity to produce or express matters of great significance;
Such kind of work of art, music, painting and poetry becomses
Masterpiece of a master or maestro claimed as classical work!

Love Only Makes World A Heaven!

Romantic love is natural attraction between two soulmates
That brings together lovers to face life with adventure
To achieve their goal of union sooner or later in joy!

How The Working Attitude Should Be?

All days go on in tight schedule already decided;
But all cannot be sure of success or failure ever;
Careful planning of work befog hand gives relief!

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