Ramesh T A Poems

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Have A Joyful End!

Many don't feel end of each and everyone's life is death;
They all advise to take care to live long in the world;
What is the use of living long in the world in health?
Everyone should think of what we have done for the world!

A Dreamy Situation!

Steady gentle rainfall makes this morning
Beautiful and enjoyable indeed as it makes
My mind free, heart joyful and spirit active
Inducing me to write a few lines about Nature!

Purpose Of Identity Of Each One!

Similar names of two or more persons create confusion
In the minds of others, if initials are not mentioned;
If it is so, what can we say for the twins we see in
The World creating confusion as to who is who forever?

Love Is The Power Of Nature!

Nature has created congenial atmosphere for love and life
To flourish in the human world we are all partners forever;
Nature has created beauty to attract each other for the
Perpetuation of life and love to go on forever and ever..!

Joy And Sorrow Of 2018!

Good and bad, joy and sorrow and pleasure and pain
Are what two thousand eighteen for some to face and
Before normalization the last month has come up...!

Do What's Possible To Have A Good End And Legacy!

Whether old year goes out and new year comes in,
Life goes on in its own pace in the journey of life;
What we have achieved and what we have to achieve
Are all immaterial for life to prosper as usual here!

Nature The Source And End Of All Ever!

Nature is a living art ever in the whole Universe;
Nature is scientifically also called as Physics...;
Nature is the source of modern art that absorbs all;
Nature is the resource for food, fuel and raw materials!

Save World By Wisdom!

Charlie Chaplin has felt that we are thinking sans feeling and
What is needed is not cleverness but kindness and gentleness;
Otherwise, the world will be ever violent and all will be lost!

Dismantle Nuclear Weapons For Better Use!

World peace is the wish of all nations except a few
That have no sense of reality of the world caught in
The middle of natural disaster caused by man-made
Pollution and threat to the world existence due to

All Struggles Are For Freedom!

Where there is freedom, there only joy and pleasure prevail
To make life proceed with love, bliss and satisfaction ever;
Freedom only gives confidence, courage and endurance to do
Anything one likes against all deficiencies or difficulties!

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