Ramesh T A Poems

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Money Is Great Here But Virtue Is Great There!

Natural justice saves head and at the right moment protects life,
Even if staying close and digging grave pit rendered service stand protecting;
Wise men say so quoting incidence from Mahabharata Epic ever for all;
But in Kali Yuga now when justice is not adhered to, how natural justice be followed!

Art Inspires Confidence In Life!

Many a mile have I crossed in the world;
World is yet long enough for me to go on;
On and on turning many hairpin bends up,
Up only one can reach to see whole picture!

Beauty Of Art!

Beautiful expression of new ideas in any form of art
Like painting or poetry or song amuses and informs
Heart, mind and soul to be free and bold to do all in
Both life and work to overcome stagnation by odds!

Immortal Love Makes Loneliness As Nil!

Insatiable desire of love haunts when thoughts of lovely beauty queen comes;
There is no limit for enjoyment of love between intimate souls of high quality;
Even when one bird has flown away to an unknown abode in the Universe,
Spiritually the fused together of loving souls again enact game of love in dreams!

The Hidden Treasure Of Heart Lake Of Love!

Immersed in intensive thoughts on beautiful natural twin pyramids and Bermuda triangle,
Dream only can give a clear idea it seemed and dream word opened door wide;
Full Moon shining bright over exquisite twin hills with broad body of green forest lead to
Heart Lake of Love enticing one and all jump in it to swim in love seeing exotic beauty up!

Monkeys In The Flower Garden!

I love to hear musical voices of different birds like sparrow, myna and parrots
With the Sun shining in the cool, fresh and bright morning very silent everywhere;
Each bird has got its own special notes to play to say about its mood to all;
But soon, the sound of vehicles collapse all the lovely beautiful music of birds!

Joy Lies In Love, Unity And Peace!

Real joy in world life lies in the hidden treasure of love, unity and peace;
Peace, beauty and love are what Nature is always for and life sustains ever;
Ever beauty and love attracts all for unity to live life in joy and fulfilment;
Fulfilment solves all problems in the world life whatever things all do here!

For Paradise To Bloom Into Beautiful Flower...!

The dreams, longing and quest for one world of unity and peace is possible
By love only but never by force as world has become modern in love of civilization;
People know by world history that military rule and religious control out dated;
People have faith in knowledge of art, literature, science and technology for progress!

Freedom From The Grip Of Time!

The invisible Time Spirit makes all live dancing to its tune everywhere ever;
Ever no one seems to do anything sans seeing time in the world sure;
Sure like Space, Time is realized only by relativity but never visually;
Visually only physical things can be seen but not ghost, spirit and time too!

Ideas Of Creativity Inspire To Do Best!

For everything ideas are needed to perform deeds to achieve anything in world;
World provides a lot of knowledge kindling thoughts generating ideas to work;
Work may be anything to achieve something interesting and useful to all;
All do a lot by creative and inventive ideas using art and science in world life!

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