Ramesh T A Poems

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No Change!

Day is very hot
Night a lot of rain falls
Next day no change...!

Let Us Be Sane And Sensible!

This world does not end with land mass along, it has big ocean too attached to it;
Human beings indulge in all bad things to play as game for fun to see what happens;
Yes, pollution after indulging in corruption has paved way for terrorism to do havoc;
Now ocean is where they dump all junks as in other places being not allowed at last!


Nature by its creations like Nightingale and Skylark birds kindles desire to fly
And sing songs of freedom everywhere in the sky to share joy with all;
Also by its creations like whale and Shark fish kindles desire to swim deep
In the vast seas and oceans of the world to explore hidden treasures!

Nothing is going on as a free flowing river or on a clear route in the journey of life;
Everything is full of complications and problem after problem is coming in a never ending way;
Fed up with life, what can one do other then carried away in the fast going stream ever?
When one is expecting an end, a new door opens with paradise waiting to be enjoyed!

Will Social Distancing Make Pandemic Disease To Go Away?

Civilization of modern world has made man and woman live life separately though family people;
Yes, as both are working on separate jobs, they live so except on holidays going to some resorts;
By fast life, Nature is made into concrete jungle sans bothering about pollution and resources;
Now due to that, Corona diseases has eternally separated families to maintain social distance!

Lover Of Freedom Natural Poet Is!

Lover of freedom is ever a natural poet in the world;
No barrier can restrict his free, frank and fearless ideas;
In a flash of lightning thoughts, ideas and dreams come;
That the poet weaves into free poem to engulf all in joy!

Total Progress Of Body, Mind And Soul!

Unity, love, joy and peace are what all need to live heavenly life in paradise of Earth;
For that, international friendship as culture and all round education are necessary;
That way only uniformity of thoughts, words and deeds can be effectively implemented;
By so doing only, living in harmony with Nature is possible to live natural life in love for unity!

Timely Life Is Not Natural Life!

Timely life from 7 am to 10 pm mechanical human routine goes on in the world;
But timeless, clock-less and clock tower sound less natural life go on in Nature;
From Sunrise to Sunset, all Nature following living beings do all naturally and live;
Simple and free life such beautiful birds and small animals live natural life ever!

Let Us Unite To Enjoy Love, Joy And Peace!

Plane accidents in the sky are mysterious due to bad weather conditions;
That too if defence officials also meet with accident in misty hills,
it's incredible;
Rains fall in winter time, but heaviest rains unprecedented is indigestible;

Poetry Is Matchless Pleasure!

Publication of a Book is like child delivery by a mother just as Earth grows crops;
Pain and care of a mother is forgotten once child is delivered by her after some months;
Creation of each poem goes on like that for making the Poet happy after it is written;
Poetry Book and awards in honour to Poet are a great miraculous achievement!

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