Ramesh T A Poems

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Pandemic Disease Reminds Of And Prepares For End Of Life!

One day or other, each one has to face loneliness in world life;
Children grow up, work and live wedded life outside and also,
Elderly members of family pass away leaving the remaining
One or two members live a lonely life till the end comes sure!

A Taste For Truth!

I speak the truth I discover
In Self, world, Nature, Universe, God…
I express truth in poetry I explore
In Arts, woman and Nature.

A Great Vision For The World - I

One sky, one world and one people!
One language, one law and one currency!
This is the idea, vision and dream of great men
For the well being of the whole of mankind!


Life's painful days pass on without respite;
Physical pains can be contained by poems;
Heart's wounds caused by words pain much
Due to tolerance to unsuitable dogmats long!

Is Playing With Fire Wise Of Foolish?

Earthquake is unpredictable though rains and storms are predicted;
Destruction to lives and properties are unimaginable in some places
Like Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand, Pakistan, Puerto Rico...;
Despite these, economic race and wars go on unabatedly in the world!

The Sorrow Of Sorrow!

If we love a thing, a flower, Nature or a person, it is
Indeed a natural feeling of heart that settles in mind;
If we lose a thing, we get another thing in its place;
If we lose a flower, we get another one, but not a person!

Natural Beauty!

Beauty is adequate natural or real expression of animate and
Inanimate things in Nature, art, human and all in the world sure!
Flower is best expression of natural beauty we all love much;
Paintings, statues carved in cave rocks are best beauty of art!

Necessity Of Realization!

Natural way of living is the free life one can enjoy sure;
But many carried away by sophisticated way of life,
Believe they have developed to live modern life in the
World giving importance to civilization of materialism!

A Joy From Indian Chocolate!

South Indian chocolate made of coconut and jaggery
Kindles nostalgia of childhood days' adventure at the
Local school where it was sold by an old man everyday!

A Poet To The Core!

Crows are many but Nightingales are rare in poetry!
Poets are the prophets of mankind guiding all safe,
Whose prophesies never fail and happen in the future;
They make a mark forever and have a place forever!

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