Ramesh T A Poems

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Don't Insert Leg Sans Knowing Depth Of Pond!

Awe inspiring beauty lovely Universe is with Stars and planets unique;
We live in special planet Earth with vegetation, plants with flowers,
Trees with fruits, hills, forests, rivers, mists, Seas and Sky called Nature;
We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful planet of Nature since long!

A Great Boon Of God To Man!

Like Nature inspires and kindles creativity and inventiveness in many,
Next comes creative art work like paining, music and Poetry in literature
To urge some to indulge in creative works and encourages in human life;
With inspired mood a lot has recovered from disappointment to renewed life!

A Poetic Miracle!

Many a time I have entered into arena and incredibly come out successfully;
More than an achievement, it is a miracle that has happened and is happening;
First I see beauty of Nature and muse on it for sometime everyday sans fail;
That effect kindles in me something and I become a bold Poet to write Poetry!

The Greatest Living Truth In Human Culture!

The Greatest Living Truth in Human Culture!

There is only one God though many worship in many names, forms and many kinds statues;
God has created Nature, life, Stars, planets and all in the vast beautifully silent Universe;

A Matter Of Fact Thing!

A Matter of Fact Thing!

I am a Poet being a free bird living the last phase of my life;
No one feels, thinks, says and does as I do leaving no option

By Mistakes We Gain Wisdom!

A major train accident has occurred after twenty years killing more than 200 people;
Coromondal Express after derailment at Palasore in Odhisa hit Howarah Express and goods train;
Coaches of trans are lying in chaos making all feel stomach cuddling in shake;
Proper rail track checking could have avoided this kind of major accident sure!

Only Nature Is Final Redemption!

Only Nature is Final Redemption!

Calm, serene and silent beauty of Nature absorbs heart, mind and soul;
What a blessed mood ti gives when one is in gloomy status unable to change;

Turning Life Experience Feelings Into Poems!

Out of life experience, feelings come often that thoughts make into words;
Ideas of those words talent turns into suitable lines of Poet's style in Poems;
Despite a lot of disturbances, flash of ideas is meaningfully composed into Poetry;
It is fate that brings darkness in poet's career but luck rare places one in high place!

Achieving Target In Poetry Is Miracle!

Production of Poetry continues as Space that has no limit unlike in our life;
Nature, music, Poetry and philosophy are like Space with no dimension to count;
But fixing a target, Poetry can be composed for by bringing vigour to go on;
That is only for making active movement of heart, mind and soul to create Poetry!

Nature Has Created Earth As None Can!

Earth only bears the brunt of quakes or tremors, storms or cyclones and bomb testing;
By bearing all harmful effects Earth is saving all living beings since a longtime;
Despite all tragedies, still humankind is curving, sustaining and Successfully living;
Before it is totally destroyed, let us all take steps to save mother Earth!

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