Ramesh T A Poems

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All Wait For Peace!

World people are watching the international balance of power game;
The two main players are America and Russia supported by Europe and world;
Ukraine is the bone of contention between the two powers of the world;
Before Ukraine is dragged into the West, Russia wants to annex it with it!


Without water where is life in world covered with 3/4th of water and 1/4th of land?
Land is where we are living but polluting land, water and air to sure destruction;
Destruction is the end point for world and men if we don't correct itself now;
Now pollution of rivers, seas and ponds is killing all lives as that have become poison!

Book Is Eternal Record!

Book is the great record of invaluable ideas of an Author or Poet or Novelist;
Book has knowledge known and unknown serving as inspiration and guidance;
Book is the life blood of a master spirit says Poet John Milton to all in the world;
The spirit of a writer lives immortal in the book that sustains itself forever sure!

Does Democracy Stop War To Bring Peace To World?

For everything election is common in democratic system to select or reject;
Everyone has voting right to choose anyone one likes for holding a post in power;
But mostly after coming to power no one seems to care for people or progress;
As each one works out of necessity, developments take place and nation moves on!

What Is True Beauty?

Nature is true beauty as it is living truth;
Beauty of temple deity is truth as it's changeless art;
It's ever youthful and won't die as it's immortal;
It is beauty, truth, love, justice and goodness in one!

My Wedding Day!

My Wedding Day!
Today reminds me of my Wedding Day;
37 Wedding Days have I celebrated of 41 Wedding Days;
My past life with my late wife is a fast one indeed

Poetry Is God!

It is said love is God, but selfless show of love makes one to be senseless one;
Yes, indeed, only senseless spiritual state gives peace and bliss sure
At that state of sublimity only one can realize the presence of God in life;
That love makes one forget all in the world including hardships, difficulties, etc.

Many Live Far, Far Away From Nature!

Without electricity all human activities are held up everywhere in the world;
Electricity, Computer and smart phone have become part and parcel of life system;
Either Computer or cell phone can be ignored to pull on with the other one;
But neglecting one the other one is impossible to ignore as they are linked in working system!

Of All Achievements, Peace Is Top!

Good or bad or ugly, finally all seek peace only in the world;
That is why perhaps, all say Rest In Peace as condolence;
Good or bad, happy or sad, success or failure, death is end;
Peaceful end is the wish of all but not anything else sure!

Blessing Of Nature In Disguise!

At daybreak, there is hot sunshine but calm sans any noise from birds or vehicles;
Though clouds are there, climate is hottest and is why it is called as dumb Sunshine here;
The atmosphere is hot, but cool wind comes mixing with the hot climate in the town;
It is a great relief indicating that somewhere rain is there and will come hero too soon!

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