Ramesh T A Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Rain In Waiting!

A Wonder In The Sky!

Only in the dark nights
Stars create wonder in the Sky
To solace and inspire all!

A Life Time Achievement Award!

Fluttering heart comes to rest as dove settles top!
A bird's eye view of all things makes a summery;
All things full of fun and trauma keep reeling on
Till settlement in peace comes to give relief sure!

A Life Of Lovers!

She is for his gold
That will help her!
He is for her love
To live life till end!

Floating In Fantasy!

Dizziness engulfs the mind full as
Cloudy sky creates drowsy scene!
I feel like taken booze in the morn
Though breakfast is over as usual!

Real Advancement And Development To Evolve To Higher Status!

Clear sky, clean air, bright Sunshine and neat roads make
All love the cosmopolitan town to visit it again and again;
Love of beauty in Nature, art and culture is necessary for
All who appreciate the cleanliness of town and world sure!

Natural Atmosphere Only Can Save Paradise Lost Sure!

Freedom loving birds fly and live anywhere in the world of Nature as they wish;
Modern world of machines and civilization of people have driven them out now
In the cities and towns expanding into villages too as expansion programme;
The first prey for this jolt is sparrow and myna birds in many places nowadays!

One Paradise Of Love, Joy And Peace!

Unity in diversity is possible by unity of religions, races, classes and nations
And by this modern culture, one modern world of civilized humanity is formed;
This may look to be a dream, but this is the best way to bring world peace into effect;
By such a culture only friendship and love can turn humanity into wealthy society!

Preaching Is Easy But Practising Is Difficult!

Preaching is easy but practising is difficult whether it is religion or morality;
All religions preach about love, brotherhood and peace to have faith in God;
Morality is more important than anything else in world life sure ever for all
And that only can make one truthful in implementing all ideals sans failure!

Civilization Of One Modern World By Unity And Friendship!

Unless civilization follows culture of unity in diversity, this world has
No chance to become one modern world of humanity to be peaceful;
One modern world will be one human world of Utopia or one world family
Or one world union or one world govt. of liberty, equality and fraternity!

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