Ramesh T A Poems

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Love Kindles The Still Burning Hope!

Loving people are rare to see in the fast modern world that boasts of
Civilization based on the developments made by technology sans seeing
Pollution, climate change and natural disasters making many suffer alone
New disease making many die due to lack of correct medicine to administer!

Turn Machine World Into Natural World!

Beautiful paradise is where love blooms in hearts to live life of peace;
Peace is what loved by all living beings in Nature especially in forest now;
Now man's world has become a concrete jungle with no lace for Nature;
Nature is completely polluted by industrial effluents mixing in air, water and all!

To Go On Romantic Adventure To Win In World...!

Institutional education is just ABC of knowledge and training for real education;
Real education begins after one comes out of the portals of educational institutions;
It begins in reading books in library, in life, world and Nature with intellectual thoughts;
In the same way, romantic adventure doesn't lie in working under someone for salary!

Hard Work, Talent, Genius And Almighty!

Strong body helps one do hard work to do duties and get satisfaction ever;
Same things talented one does cleverly sans using strength to finish better still;
But creative work a genius does to do all things better than all as achievement ever;
Above all, the Almighty beautifully and perfectly out of love does all as miracle sure!

Plight Of Poor In The Winter!

Day by day winter cold is increasing to make all to take thick cover to overcome shivering;
Winter coating of white snow covers on all things making them hidden as if under sand;
Without strong health one cannot resist this cold against all pain one has to withstand;
But God only knows how poor people lie sleeping on pavements with tattered clothes on!

The Necessity For Complete Development Of Personality!

Total knowledge of all subjects makes one a complete person to think and do all right;
Such kind of all round education system is necessary for all to become real humans;
Treatment of all classes of persons from childhood to manhood in education as equals
Only can develop equality, unity, friendship and make all love and peace loving citizens!


Whether it is temporary flower or fruit or sky or water fall or river or sea, Nature is par excellence in creation;
And that by their beauty and activity inspire all living beings to be happy, creative end inventive in activities;
That is the hidden treasure in the calm sky or beautiful lulling waves of seas all round the world;
The silent beauty of colourful flowers inspire love to be beautiful and harmonious to reflect love to all!

Life Is Time Duration Between Birth And Death!

The time duration between birth and death is what we call as life in the world;
Birth is for temporary life here and death is for eternal peace there sure;
With emotion of feelings we are live to enjoy and suffer in happiness and hardships;
Nature is guide, art is relief and culture is way to live balanced life ever!

Revive The Dream Of One World Of Utopia!

Dreamless persons are nowhere to find in all walks of life
in the human world;
There are day dreamers, night dreamers and day and night dreams in world life;
Day dreams never come true and night dreams are forgotten at the dawn itself;

Without satisfaction of heart, fulfilment is impossible to achieve in world life;
Satisfaction of heart is possible only by exploitation of one's inborn talent;
Education, job and life cannot be interesting unless that is done according to talent;
All things done for money make time and energy as great waste in whole life sure!

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