Ramesh T A Poems

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Paradise Of Nature Welcome!

Spring season at its best seems to be celebrated by beauty of flowers
And musical songs of various birds just after dawn around my town sure;
This is just a glimpse of paradise all surely love in the world of humans;
This is what expected to expand to whole world to turn it into paradise!

Festival Gives Chance For Unity, Peace And Benefits!

Festival time meeting of relatives and friends is a great fun and joy worth enjoying;
For, festival gives the opportunity to meet all after a longtime and renew relations;
Festival helps to promote unity, happiness and peace among all during that occasion;
Festival also gives opportunity to shake hands of friendship to forget old enmity!

Poetry Is Best Of Human Knowledge Ever!

Poetry is great literary history of human experience in the world sure;
Sure Poetry tells truth about human history of the world as best knowledge;
Knowledge of poetic truth is ever far ahead of all records, history and all;
All get inspiration, enlightenment and guidance from Poetry more than all!

Love Kindles The Still Burning Hope!

Loving people are rare to see in the fast modern world that boasts of
Civilization based on the developments made by technology sans seeing
Pollution, climate change and natural disasters making many suffer alone
New disease making many die due to lack of correct medicine to administer!

Joy And Peace Are In Our Hands Only!

Politics and religion are supposed to unite all for love, peace and progress;
When that too become useless to rely on, where can people go for relief?
Attachment to things and people drives one to misery and hell only sure;
Love and knowledge only make one feel free and show how to go ahead!

Turn Machine World Into Natural World!

Beautiful paradise is where love blooms in hearts to live life of peace;
Peace is what loved by all living beings in Nature especially in forest now;
Now man's world has become a concrete jungle with no lace for Nature;
Nature is completely polluted by industrial effluents mixing in air, water and all!

Thank Nature With Gratitude Ever!

Beauty of Nature is fresh, real and a joy forever to inspire all with best mood;
Mood to do anything comes with a zeal and urge unique indeed ever;
Sunshine, rain or Starry night, Nature is ever bright with ideas to creative minds;
Not only to Poets but also for scientists and philosophers Nature is best guide!

Salvation To Rectify Blunders By Nature!

Body with mind and soul, all are doing everything in this world of Nature forever;
Physically we are doing what we love, dream and plan by mind and activated by soul;
After achieving so many things so, physically relying we have forgotten Nature;
Without following the will of Nature, we have brought our world to brink of destruction!

Dreams And Realities!

Many dreams appear and disappear before dark night succumbs to bright dawn;
But only high and best dream remains in memory inspiring great deed to do;
By realizing such a great dream by ideas unique one makes a mark in the world;
But if one realizes many dreams into realities, it is miracle only in one's life sure!

Natural Miracle Saves Life Despite Formidable Disasters!

Natural miracle happens despite natural disasters causing havoc formidable;
Severest storm about to come sometimes subsided by heavy rains long;
Even many a time heavy storm changes direction and attacks unexpected place;
Such incidences occur in November and December months every year!

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