Ramesh T A Poems

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Writing Poetry Is Incredible Surprise!

Writing new ideas everyday is not an easy joke unless one has knowledge and creative mind;
Politicians speak on the stage sans knowledge hearing some ideas from close fans;
That kind of thing cannot be done writing Poetry by anyone I am sure unless by miracle;
Many may speak on stage and write matters, but expressing new ideas requires talent!

Let Us Live, Laugh, Enjoy Life And Leave World!

Green trees stand still enjoying increasing warmth of Sunshine to withstand winter cold;
Rains have gone away saluting to mist and fog to play their parts a month or so now;
How Nature is showing its changes periodically to drive boredom in the world ever;
Changeless life is beaten track of way to paradise that has become mirage in desert!

Protect Paradise Of World For Long Life Of All!

Union of valour and beauty produce love in the paradise of the world;
Smile of innocent one's love brings joy and fun in all the family set up;
Talk of truth by innocent love kindles humour and laughter in everyone;
This is usual nature of human family everywhere all welcome in the world!

World Turning Into Paradise Is Miracle By Achievements!

A thing trying one's full capacity from start to end succeeds means, it's great joy;
That success brings happiness and also, becomes a great achievement for praise;
If one has to deal with such kind of trials often ending in achievement is miracle;
Sans hesitation if matters are dealt with courage, they become achievements and miracle!

Know And Do According To The Will Of Almighty!

Stars are lights of the Universe everywhere in the endless Space endless in all directions;
it is futile to know the ultimate going in one direction as it is limitless left, right, up and down;
Constellations are the mythological symbols of great souls manifested for their valours;
Like the Aliens called extraterrestrials, humans have come from the Universal Spiritual Energy!

Routine Mechanical Life Can Never Be Natural Life!

Like or not, the usual day begins with Monday to mind mechanically routine;
Only after five days the enthusiasm to spend joyful time in the week end cheers mood;
Life is not just the routine to follow in a mechanical manner as it's not humanistic ever;
Only creative and inventive works make man a great living being as all in Nature!

Great Joy To Have Wonderful Friends!

Friends are many at school to play games and spend time jovial talks for sometime;
Chosen friends are very few at college to develop knowledge and skill we have;
With that friends fly away to mind their most cherished dreams in various places;
Afterwards by the advent of Computer we have many lovely friends all over world!


Acquisition of ultimate knowledge finally kindles desire to pursue spiritual development;
Spiritual development starts after experiencing a state of mystical trance in Nature;
Nature is the source and destiny for humans to know all, develop and attain Moksha;
Moksha is the final stage of spiritual evolution for all living beings in the world sure!

Life Is A Mystery And Hidden Treasure!

Life has many hidden treasures waiting to be discovered as if in the caverns of deep ocean;
By doing something deeply some new things are discovered by serendipity in world life;
Faith is difficult to have unless physically seen by many in the world life since a longtime;
By intuition and passion some undertake adventure to know ultimate truth and win!

Revive The Dream Of One World Of Utopia!

Dreamless persons are nowhere to find in all walks of life
in the human world;
There are day dreamers, night dreamers and day and night dreams in world life;
Day dreams never come true and night dreams are forgotten at the dawn itself;

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