Ramesh T A Poems

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The Confident Permanent Power!

Great military empire and small minds go ill together they say in the past;
Small minds are simple ones who have mind as top Stars in heavenly body;
Top Stars don't care for any military power as their spirits are reality not illusion;
They rely always on permanent and eternal in mind, life and spirit here and anywhere!

Recover Good Old Earth!

What an unique beauty Earth looks like a sphere with green, blue and white hues
From above in the Space along with other planets looking dull in the dark night;
It's all happening due to a belt of atmosphere covering the Earth as protection;
Just a hole in atmosphere due to pollution makes ultraviolet rays of Sun attract health!

Life Is A Time Bound Programme!

Nothing is permanent as all have time bound programme in the world;
This is the reality as all have a beginning and end in life here forever;
The things we see and move with are all illusion only with time tag fixed;
What is reality is the soul activating all lives though unbelievable ever!

Life Is For Enjoying All And Expressing Self As Art!

Life in the world is like picnic to a place with spirit within human body;
Knowing this, it's wise to know about Nature, life, world and Universal Spirit;
Living in harmony with Nature, it is possible to know divine spirit within all;
By communion with Nature, it is possible to enjoy bliss in life for satisfaction and peace!

The Last One To Write!

To have a completion of the Poetry Book, this is the last poem to be written;
Stars are the Poems in the Poetry Book of the Universe we see everywhere;
Like flowers on the Earth, Stars are in the Universe reminding stories of love;
Love is the top most feeling in the world like spirit in spiritual world high above!

To Go On Romantic Adventure To Win In World...!

Institutional education is just ABC of knowledge and training for real education;
Real education begins after one comes out of the portals of educational institutions;
It begins in reading books in library, in life, world and Nature with intellectual thoughts;
In the same way, romantic adventure doesn't lie in working under someone for salary!

Extremism Is Common Both In Man And Nature!

Religious extremism and terrorism are like extreme climates and natural disasters;
Even in extremism there is similarity between man and Nature in the world sure;
In either case, they all happen due to mistakes in mind set up and greediness;
Man is dangerous but cannot excel Nature and God too ever by any means!

Promote Human Nature By Spiritualism!

Renaissance period opened door for new learning, creativity and inventions;
Reformation enacted new laws and changed life style of people sure;
Romantic revival time made free to explore all fields of man's interest ever;
Democracy, freedom, liberty and rights of governance made humans civilized!

Charismatic Personalities Are Real Superstars!

Film Stars, Pop Song Stars, Poetic Stars and Political Stars sway hearts of men;
But of them all, who lives forever in the hearts and memory of all is Superstar sure;
Only great Poets and charismatic leaders take such a position in life of the world;
Their words and acts only remind all how humanity has to be governed for good!

Poise Between Joy And Sorrow Is Good Ever!

Dense clouds came and heavy rain with lightnings and thunders fell down;
All expected the rain will continue for a longtime in the night to make place cool;
But like in games such as tennis and football players play, we can't predict anything;
Even for rain and games when we are unable to assess them correctly, how can we with life?

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