Ramesh T A Poems

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Realize Reality Of The World For The Good!

Sans knowing the precarious condition of Earth
Due to climate change caused by man-made pollution,
The fanatical terrorists are causing troubles in
Some countries of the world makes all blink as to

Unity Of Nations A Must!

Unity of nations is necessary to solve all world problems;
Terrorism, climate change, poverty and disease need all
Nations' cooperation and joint action based on friendship
And developments by mutual give and take policy forever!

Perhaps An End In Promise!

Bright Sunshine and cloudy Sky welcome October month;
Between hot day and rain now and then mark this month;
This month is noted for hot day capable of melting sand
And also, rain that can wet very well the sand ever..!

Mahatma - The Living Legand!

Gandhi used Non-Violence and Truth to get freedom for India;
He utilized fasting as Non-Cooperation means against foreigners;
Simple living and high thinking measures made Gandhi a Mahatma!

Can Medicine Ever Become Food For Man?

without freedom one cannot enjoy any festival too;
Restriction by law and directions to celebrate any
Festival by the order of court and government are
Simply curtailing the freedom to enjoy anything..!

All Persons And Nations Are Equal In The World!

Democracy is accepted by many nations of the world and
Other isms following countries too change to democracy!
Male chauvinism and feminism have become old fashion now
As equality of man and woman is recognized everywhere..!

What's The Remedy For The Disease Of Corruption?

The culture of corruption never seems to be corrected;
Like many are addicted to smoking, drinking and drugs,
All are forced to be addicted to money for everything!

Prevention Is Better Than Cure!

Promotion of unity of nations and world people by UNO
Only can achieve positive results satisfying all sure!
One super power or some terrorist groups cannot do
Anything as they wish as majority are not with them!

Overcoming Loneliness In Life!

One is driven to loneliness by the deaths of close ones
To one as handicap in life, but it is compensated by the
Proximity of friends who are natural brothers, though not
By blood relationship in the world we are all partners!

Romantic Life Is A Must!

Sensuous love of romantic life is the best panacea
That has the power to cure all ills of humans ever
Whether it is imaginary or psychological or real!

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