Ramesh T A Poems

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Best Way To Protect Human World!

Creativity and inventiveness should be encouraged in educational institutions;
That is the best way to realize dreams and desires of all by ideas new ever;
By so doing, that should not hinder the course of Nature, natural resources and trees;
For, the sustenance of life in the world depends on healthy and rich natural resources!

Poetry Is Magic Wand For Poet!

Poet is Magic Wand for Poet!
Poetry writing is unique and wonderful for Poet to do ever in the world;
Writing Poetry, Poet enjoys extraordinary joy as nothing can anywhere;
Such an experience of joy nowhere Poet enjoys after doing all in life;

The Enigma Of Nature!

The Enigma of Nature!
Is it Summer or Autumn or Winter? All day it's cloudy sans rain ever;
If it is Autumn, leaves have to fall down from so many trees but it's not;
Winter cold climate is there but prediction of coming rains is in suspense;

Nature And Humanity!

Rough weather gives the indication of the coming of heaviest rain soon;
But many a time, clouds pass away with no rain fall and sky opens bright;
Nature plays with all and suddenly with lightning and thunder dense rain falls;
Nature wants all to be alert and be prepared for any eventuality in the world!

Love Is Everything!

Love is the antidote for fear;
Love is the relief for grief;
Love is the solution for enmity;
Love is tranquilizer for anger;

Doom's Day Is Very Near!

Doom's Day is Very Near!
Heat is too much to bear in the daytime everywhere in the world nowadays;
Also, suddenly heavy rain comes to create floods in many places sure;
All these certainly prove that climate has changed needing steps to be taken;

Love Sustains All To Live Against All Odds!

Love Sustains All to Live Against all Odds!
Love, Nature, music and Poetry sway heart, mind and soul of all to drive away loneliness in life;
They each are one of a kind and are of the same kind to inspire and guide all directionless;
Anyone of them too is enough to absorb one's whole self to lift up high in world life sure;

Turn A New Leaf Of Life!

If beauty is truth, love will be divine turning world into paradise sure,
Where all will live in harmony with Nature enjoying love, joy and peace;
In such way of life only, mechanical life will have change in human nature;
By that way only, all can live natural life learning from Nature about life and all!

Purpose Of Existence Is To Explore Cause And Ultimate Truth!

Nature teaches complete education of all knowledge combing science and literature;
But scientists and philosophers are still searching proof to create one for all forces;
Air, water, fire, matter and Space are five elements together make Nature;
This all comprising Nature is beauty, truth, love, justice and all pervading God!

The Coming And Going Of Spiritual Energy Of Soul!

The Coming and Going of Spiritual Energy of Soul!
As long as soul is in the body, we live in the world as we are used to do;
Soul is individual spiritual energy activating all organs in the body ever;
Each human is like a planet come out as a fire ball from the Sun in Space;

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