Ramesh T A Poems

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Boosting Book Release Reception!

Great reception given to established poets in the
Book releasing function becomes a memorable occasion!
A great time indeed to see many ardent writers under
One roof welcoming great poets with loud applause!

Overcoming Unnecessary Tension!

Tension, fear and panic make even a small thing
A big matter to deal with to the extent of avoiding
It to be done so as to feel free to breathe air!

The Incomparabnles In World Literature!

Continuous consistent creative writing of poetry is
Indeed a rare feat possible only by established poets!

Myth making Shelley and laureate epic writing Milton

Let Us Preserve Nature For The Good Of All!

Sans the places of Nature like park, beach and grass pasture,
Where can a lonely person go for peace of mind in the world?
What a calm, green and solacing atmosphere Nature has given
For the perturbed and complex problem facing being here ever!

Satviga Or Balanced Nature Of Man Needed!

Sudden bombing and counter bombing escalate violence ever;
It is a senseless act following the third law of Newton
That says that for every action, there is a direct reaction!

Love Only Can Sustain Life Ever!

Hard work surely brings sweats and exhaustion leading to
Hunger and thirst to anyone sincere and honest in job;
For thirst they take water and for hunger they take food;
Once satisfied of hunger, physical tired is over soon..!

Fulfilment In Human Life!

Doing job according to knowledge and intentness is not
A possibility for many in the world to earn livelihood;
Many do jobs contrary to their interest for earning
Livelihood and occupy themselves in hobby in pastime!

Dealing Simultaneous Incidences To Overcome Confusion!

If marriage and death functions come quickly, what to do!
To attend which one and which one to neglect is dilemma;
Dilemma is like the ant caught between fire and flood tense;
Tense situation comes in life, when we are involved in it!


Every being active, alive and conscious is bound together
By matter and energy by soul or spirit as long as possible;
Not only living beings but also all Stars and planets in the
Universe are made up of matter and energy bound by spirit!

Real Beauty!

Distant look enchants the view because going near
It is entirely a different story as in the case of
Painted veil or make up that makes one look beautiful
And also, familiarity breeds contempt as time passes on!

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