Ramesh T A Poems

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Money Or Love?

With money one can buy property, material needs to live in the world and all
Relatives and friends to enjoy fun and support to be happy and gay in world;
But when natural disasters like storms, earthquakes and long wars come,
Will the friends and relatives and all come to one's help to save life and property?

Mystery Of Life Is A Great Adventure To Know!

As in poetry writing, style of functioning varies from person to person;
Persons vary by their attitude based on their nature and interest in life;
Life has variety in flowers, animals, humans and birds made by Nature;
Nature is a great wonder and a living scientific art inspiring all in the world!

The Insatiable Taste For Poetry!

Naturalism, realism, romanticism and humanism play a vital role in Poetic literature;
Combination of these isms is more than religion and philosophy to enlighten humans;
Poetry plays a great part in giving ideas on all subjects in brief sweeter than all;
That's why poetry is ever innovative and novel to read by the works of genius!

Culture The Bridge Between Paradise And Heaven!

Culture is following best knowledge of arts, science, literature and philosophy;
Knowledge of life, world, Nature and Universe with the vision of the whole
One has an ambition to achieve in life as culture aiming for perfection;
Life of culture follows best thoughts, best talks and best action for completion!

Achievement By Knowledge And Ambition Makes One Perfect!

Plan based on clear thoughts helps to fix programme to implement it;
It is the way objective of an organization is achieved with success;
Success is made by knowledge, intelligence and clever execution;
Execution is correct if all minute details are known earlier to implement well!

Social Change Is Possible By Encouragement To Creativity!

Price and tax have increased leaving people suffer as was in the past sans change;
Change for good is everyone's wish to turn a new leaf in life everywhere;
Everywhere but same plight is echoing sans end and so, crimes have increased;
Increased crime and punishment have no effect on morality nowadays!

Who Is One?

One may be a doctor or engineer or scientist or trader or industrialist in the world;
But whatever work one does without peace, one will not be really satisfied in life;
By diversion in literature, many have become Poets, novelists and critics
And have done great service to humanity and posterity by legacy as alternative!

Realization Of Ultimate Reality!

Holy shrines in hill stations and less populated towns near farms are peaceful indeed;
Those places are great tourist places later on attracting people from all over world;
Such an effect is possible in temples near sea shore areas too as exception sure;
The magnetic effect energizes devotees with vigour and vitality giving peace there!

Wise And Best Gratitude!

Without fail Nature brings about necessary changes by seasons;
Seasons give a sigh of relief and new hope to proceed in life;
Life is being sustained so by Nature for our long life in the world;
World is the only unique place for human habitation in Universe!

Smile Only Brings First Laugher, Love And Friendship!

First smile only can start laughter for love and friendship to flourish in life;
Nature certainly starts the smile on the faces of many by its creations;
Bright blue sky, colourful flowers and green lawns give heart soothing effect;
Enjoyment of such a scene fresh in the morning surely kindles smile and hope!

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