Ramesh T A Poems

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Survival Of The Fittest In Nature!

Due to climate change and seasonal changes, calamities take place in Nature;
Due to cold atmosphere and hot air on sea, clouds success sea water
As tornado here putting local fishermen in great surprise quite incredible;
American tornado seems to a have replica in Bay of Bengal in the South!

Live Heavenly In One World Paradise!

Innocent looking white pup see I loitering on the platform in the morning;
What an independent freedom loving little dog sans its parents alone here;
It naturally kindles sympathy and love towards the pup whoever one is;
But if the same little pup walks on the road of traffic, it causes great concern!

Distant Look Enchants The View!

Living life was cheap as all things were available at less prices;
Needs were less and all free, frank and open in talks and deeds;
Life was like heavenly one to live spending time as we wished;
A dream like life it was indeed in the golden time of the past...!

The Disciples Of Nature!

Work and play as one and the same squirrels do making noise
Like small children from Sunshine to Sunset everyday around here;
They all run as if saying catch me if you can like in hide and seek game;
The fellow squirrels also run one after the other like children do!

Old Age Or Young Age Is Nothing!

Old age brings in pain to body unbearable each and every day;
Unsteady health condition fluctuates between good and bad stage;
The young age charm and briskness have gone away with exhaustion;
I feel like taking rest on bed to bring new vigour to my body to rise high!

Selfless Work Of Love Only Sustains Humanity Ever!

Hardships, drawbacks and failures in life should not lead one to pessimism ever;
For, we are born to achieve something great to make a mark in the world;
As long as beautiful Nature, flowers and fruits are there to inspire, we too can;
This positive attitude only can make all rise high to do the best by natural skills!

World Longs For Love!

Many live life of tragedy stricken with love sickness disappointed by love failure;
Disappointed by the demise loving soul too, many live sans peace and happiness;
Due to love, the pet ones get what all they need and enjoy happiness much;
But death of loving one leaves them live long life of grief sans knowing way out!

How To Be Peaceful And Happy In World Life!

Peace and happiness are indispensable to do anything well in life and work;
By thinking, expressing and doing all, we achieve great things to be peaceful and happy;
We are born to achieve what we dream, desire, wish and create in the world as our mark;
By doing great work of creativity only, we can establish our name ever for peace and joy!

I Worship Nature In Blue Everywhere!

Many pray and worship Gods in many forms and visions though there's one God only;
But I worship Nature as I love Nature, muse in Nature, write of Nature and a Nature poet;
I pray Blue God as He is blue as sky and sea and ocean whenever I see Sky or sea;
I am in a trance when I see blue sky and blue sea seem to meet at the horizon!

Love All To Feel God Very Near!

By loving all, we become friends with everyone in the world;
Love is God we say and that is possible by loving everyone;
God is everywhere and beyond everything sand everyone;
God present in everyone makes all united by friendship!

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