Ramesh T A Poems

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Charismatic Beauty In Service!

Unique beauty of loving persons sways hearts of all in human society;
They do service to the society in silence for the survival and sustenance of all;
They are like the glowing Sun peeping through the vast blanket of clouds[
They give light and energy for human society to live in love, joy and peace ever!

Poetry Is Mirror Of Life!

In modern time, Poetry is mirror of world life to know good, bad and ugly therein;
Social criticism is of two kinds - one reflects positivism and another one negativity;
Best Poetry gives constructive criticism for the upliftment of humility in world;
One one says destructive criticism reflecting sadism of the creator only!

Is Poetry Writing A Puzzle Or Mystery?

With great expectation one engages oneself in a creative work of Poetry driven by ambition;
It is an adventure on a no man's land to do so with much zeal to do miracle sure;
It is a great enterprising work based on one's ability as a Poetry writer only;
Success or failure is not the Poet's hand but fate has decide by luck or otherwise!

Honey Bees Collect Honey Everyday!

Bright morning Sunshine has started the day for all to gp ahead with the day's works;
Sans forgetting all, one by one all works have to be carried out to be free in the evening;
This is how the routine timetable works do on everyday in the life of the world for many;
Freedom is wanting for all to be happy with all things well done sans any pending in life!

Mesmerizing Beauty Out Of Artistic Work!

Beautiful implementation and execution of plan certainly help to achieve objective well;
Artistic mind always seeks aesthetic pleasure in beautifully doing all things in life;
For such kind of persons nothing will give satisfaction unless one does all with artistic touch;
That indeed gives immense joy and pleasure after finishing a great work in the world so!

Labyrinthine Commitments!

Labyrinthine Commitments!

All have become commercialized in the world
Whether it is games or education or marriage,

Make Mirage Of Adventure Not Real One!

Make Mirage of Adventure Not Real One!

Knowledge and wisdom show map of life and destiny as to how to live in Nature to be free and peaceful;
That has become human culture and in the passage of time as tradition with reform as to changes of time;

Why World Has Become Hell?

Why World has become Hell?

Implementation of government schemes takes place through officials or bureaucrats facilitating malpractices;
In the long run that has become corruption and in the due course has become part of culture;

Freedom, Love, Joy And Peace All Long For!

Freedom, Love, Joy and Peace All Long For!

Waxing Moon and single Star in slightly cloudy Sky are
What I see in the evening before venture out to see world;

Destruction And Creation!

Destruction and Creation!

Island of cyclonic storm begins like a child's cry developing its speed on and on;
Formidable force of rain clouds storm first struggles to move forward then;

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