Randy Johnson Poems

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Racist People Are Going To Vote For Obama

I've seen some racist people who are going to vote for Obama this November.
That is very unusual and it's something that I'll always remember.
You know that Obama is a great man when you see racist people who are going to vote for him.
Even though they're bigots, Obama means a lot to them.

World's Biggest Player

I told women that I loved them to get them into bed.
I promised them marriage but I dumped them instead.
I was the world's biggest player and that was a fact.
But when I dumped one woman, I came to regret how she would react.

George Washington

Thunder And Lightning

The thunder roars and the lightning strikes.
The rain is pouring late at night.
Some people hate thunderstorms.
But I've enjoyed them since the day I was born.

My Wife Is A Slut


My wife has slept with every man on the planet; she's a slut.
The only way to stop her is to sew her v##### shut.

Life Isn'T Always Fair

Hot Dogs With Chili

(This is a fictional poem)

I like hot dogs with chili and I like them real good.
I'd eat them all day long if I could.

Late Again

(This is a fictional poem)

My wife is late again, what am I going to do?
If she's pregnant, this will make child number twenty-two.

Illegal Alien

He tried to get her a green card but he failed.
He married her so she could stay in America and now he's in jail.
He did what he did because her uncle gave him five grand.
That amount of cash was something that he could not withstand.

God Will Take Care Of You

God always opens a window when he shuts a door.
He will take care of you like the times he did before.
You lost your job but God will see to it that another one comes along.
Have faith in the Lord and he'll never steer you wrong.

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