Randy McClave Poems

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Master Of Destiny

I am the master of my destiny
The captain of my ship
Sailing the oceans and the sea
My fortune and providence is my trip.

Sword Of Mine

The Sword that I carry
Though made not of iron or steel,
It is a mighty sword
That I proudly do so wield.

Love Me Forever

Love me forever,
I will give you my soul,
Love me tonight,
And I wont let you go.

Please, Teach Me

Teach me well the child did say
As to its parent they did speak
As I want to grow up to be the best I can,
So please to me, wont you teach.

The Nurse

Life for me could have been worse
If it hadn't been for a nurse,
Others gave me a prayer, she gave her care
Because of her I am not in a hearse.

Love Each Other

Love one another
Not only siblings and father and mother,
Love everyone as though you are related
Then God will be pleased, and elated.

School Uniform

Children are playing in their school uniforms
Running, jumping, swinging a child's norms,
Sympathetically you can't tell the poor child from the rich
Because, they are equal, no one knows which is which.

I Am A Republican

I am a Republican from birth
As though tilled from the Earth,
And whenever or if ever I am bled
The color of my blood is always Republican red.

Getting Ready For School

I don't have an alarm clock
So, I always wake my own self up,
The night before I drank a lot of water
1 cup after another cup.

Hating The Refugee

Sad, that we hate the refugee
If through Gods eyes we could only see,
They too are his sons and daughters
Sadly, they're not as rich as the Yachters.

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