Love Each Other Poem by Randy McClave

Love Each Other

Love one another
Not only siblings and father and mother,
Love everyone as though you are related
Then God will be pleased, and elated.
Love those of a different skin
Pretend that they all are your kin,
And those that come from a different land
Give them all your helping hand.
Pretend that we all are one loving family
In the beginning didn't we all come from the same tree,
Remember before the knowing of death
Didn't God give us all the same breath.
When we see a different woman or man
Why not think that he or she is of our clan,
Though they might be covered with trash or mud
We all are of the same blood.
No matter of another person's belief
Are we not all covered with the same leaf,
And if we judge someone because of their race
First, take a closer look at their face.
When we see others through eyes of evil or hate
Are we not just sealing our very own fate,
Treat another as your sister or your brother
Then truly love, one and each other.

Randy L. McClave

Monday, January 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: family,god,jesus,love
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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