Ray Hansell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
To Be Always With You

Your slow and gentle kisses
Make my heart beat fast
I believe we have a love
That will surely last

My Mask

You'll never see me smile
You'll never see my tears
You'll never see my laughter
You'll never see my fears

A Broken Heart

A broken heart is something
We have all known
Many times we hide it
So our sorrow isn't shown

All Are Equal In God's Eyes

To be close to God
Has nothing to do with health
Nor does it have a thing
To do with one's wealth

A Forever Friend

I hope you know I love you
I hope you know I care
I hope you know if you ever need me
I will always be there

You'Ll Be Missed

We're going to miss you when you go
Your leaving is for the best we know
My hurting heart will never show

Someone Retiring

We shared so much
Through the years
So much laughter
So little tears

Lifting Weights

Use light weights
Do more repetitions
That will give you
A better definition

Until Day Is Done

I always miss you
When I am away
I feel this pain
Every single day

Is There Another Word?

Is there another word?
That can replace goodbye
If there is
I'd like to give it a try

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