Ray Lucero Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Away You Go

It seems you choose to go afar
To distant lands, exotic places
For heaven's sake don't use a car
Because oil barons hold all the aces

Two Principal Emotions

Fear and love, are principal emotions
Lesser ones from these opposite two
Fear’s blacker than the deepest ocean
Love’s where soul seeks a rendezvous

Sinkhole For Dollars

Congress gave Bush 185 Billion more
Until end of 2008, financed Iraqi war
Continues then more blood and gore
Then nukes Iran, for a deadly encore

Sleeping With The Enemy

Bush kissed Saudi Prince on both cheeks
Promised enriched uranium to his friend
While the horrid stench of 911 still reeks
Where 19 Saudi Terrorists met their end

Bladesmith Alchemy

He toils over fire fueled by coke
Forging a fine Damascus blade
Coaxes, cajoles, at last invokes
A sacred fire totem…unafraid


Twas not meant me to compose alone
There’s so many things that I can’t see
I need you to smash my heart of stone
As fate decreed you be Muse to me

Sources Of Light

Central Sun, Earth’s source of light
Human inner light the source of life
God’s Love Light Supremely Bright
That guides our way to the afterlife

Principal Women

Aries (Volatility)
Virgo (clear thinker)
Sagittarius (warrior/archer)
Taurus (prosperity)

Good Cop-Bad Cop

Beat Cops, now beat ‘em up Cops
Riot suits ‘n shields replacing blues
Brutal/lethal force their latest chops
Privilege, trust ‘n power they abuse

Honey Bee Demise

Global die-off of honey bees
Over ¼ of entire population
Not just an Earth anomaly
Rather a man-made aberration

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