Resten Swondo Poems

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How Can I Tell You How Beautiful You Are?

I wish I could say how beautiful you are to me
But I could not taint the same lips that touch yours
With words that charlatans have well used
To raise them in favour for a time, wasted.

The Girl With The Raven Tresses

What smile made this soul quiver?
Shiver on this day in her audible stare
Each fingertip touch made the world
Tremble at the thought of caressing

The Blossom Dancer

A wreath of flowers in her hair
Cherry and apple blossoms curl
The air into colours of wishes
Lying at her perfect dancing feet.

Hilltop Baptism

From skyward peaks edging the land
Awash in cold misty blasts and snow
A babe in swaddling burbling spit
Closes its fist around sacred life.

Victory Of Eros

Afloat in a tempest, deep tongued kisses
Of ocean storming caressing waves, peaked breasts.
A gusty wind sweetly moaning, a trembling lover; -
Sail me across that pounding sea, that beating heart

Maidenhead On A Corpse: Conversation Between Lovers

Creeping into your bower,
Pleasuring with expense,
Sparing no innocent flower
Or shiny minted pence.

Ode To The Republic

Julian ghosts wander perplexed in the forum; -
The dead statues of a pharonic general
Honoring a conquering god are forever gone.
The crumbling ruins foretell no golden age.

The ’39 Mercedes Ssk

In her day, she was nothing but a nice ride,
But she had been ridden into the ground;
She coughs and splutters among cats,
Her cold dream cracks a dry walnut dash.


Humble men know their natural place
And place no store in self-conceit.
They live far from all vain deceit
And court the favour of divine Grace.

Epigrammatic Love Note

Faith lingers a while, dreaming
Of loving sweet kisses
Roving in red passion.
Every lamp-lit e’en

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