Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson

Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson Poems

was a piece
of work,

Don’t know about you, but I think it’s stupid
To give lethal weapons to a diapered Cupid
(and what happens when he’s gotta go?)

He's aware
of the yard he lives in -

aware of the fences

I’m put upon to ponder the problem of poetry
& thus, I proudly or, perhaps, perfunctorily,
Ponderously pronounce with a preponderance,
Even a plethora, of p’s:

You, my beloved, bring light to my soul
Before I met you, I lived on parole

Freedom, elusive, seemed so far out of reach

A sense of the sacred
permeates these grounds
where El Santo Niño de Atocha walks

to this Land of Enchantment state of mind?
Well, welcome home,
weary traveler, welcome home!

a gathering of tumbleweeds
hesitated, trembling aside the highway’s edge

until an odd,

Golden curtains shimmer down
to ground and grass
through high-arcing, brilliant double rainbows,
children of the rain

He’s my porch cat,
Mr. Jake is
He sometimes comes on in
To slake his

I watch my little Angel cat,
A frolicking, dancing,
Gold-and-blue-eyed cotton ball
Of a little Angel cat,

I was arguing with an echo,
in the mountains near my home -
it made me feel less lonely,
not quite so all alone

“The other reason I
Didn’t show up?

Young, broke and stupid,
She went looking for Cupid
By answering ads she found on the ‘net

I wonder if cameras really can steal the souls
Of young people caught up in celebrity roles

So many pictures, so many times,

Six months ago, you followed me home,
A tiny, black, and blue-eyed gnome
It was late in September,
I so clearly remember

He wears his depression
like a tarnished, tattered,
scratched and dented halo,

I wish more people could be as easily smitten
With simple small joys, just like my kitten
Who delights to play with dirt, dust and straw
His vivacious antics just fill me with awe –

Feathers falling from a tree,
But in the tree no birdies be

I look way up into the air

Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson Biography

xperienced severe mental, physical and sexual abuse. In 1998, she started therapy for intense PTSD and a dissociative disorder, which helped save her life and open the doors to her creative voices. Although she just started writing 3 years ago, she has already established a prestigious resume': Her book, 'Out of Cullen Street (A House of Madness) ', is available at, and her poetry has been published in anthologies and magazines around the world. For example: The Taj Mahal Review (multiple editions) , 'Symphonies', 'A Ferment of Images', 'Explorers', (all published by in India) , The People's Poet (UK) (x2) , 'The Light' magazine, 'Lemming' (Canada) , Poetry in Wartime, Emerging Visions, and more. One of her poems (from her book) , 'Like a Rock', recently won first prize out of over 15,000 international entries, at Another of her poems, 'Moon Majesty', was just published by, and received an Honorable Mention from, Sol Magazine. She has received the President's Certificate of Literary Excellence, International Poetry Award of Excellence, has been included in the International Who's Who in Poetry, and named an International Poet of Merit. She is on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Taj Mahal Review, a member of the New Mexico State Poetry Society, and the Academy of American Poets. This spring, she wrote all the poetry and articles for the 2006-2007 Española Valley Visitors' Guide, (New Mexico) . She is a founding member of the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial Project in Washington, D.C., and the Rosa Parks Wall of Tolerance, a prominent feature of the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, Alabama. Rev. Hudson states: 'My poetry's purpose is to contribute a new perspective, both serious and humorous, to help change/heal the mind of the world, such that we 'change our minds & keep the change'.' In addition to singing with the University of New Mexico, Valencia Campus Chorale Ensemble and the Albuquerque Symphony Adult Choir, Rev. Hudson is a minister with Universal Ministries, certified peer counselor for the mentally ill, and a paraprofessional crisis/suicide line volunteer. She and her husband of twenty-eight years, John, live in Los Lunas, New Mexico. They have three children, four grandchildren, five cats and three dogs.)

The Best Poem Of Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson

Real Work (The Brilliant Fool)

was a piece
of work,

His life a
work of art

He was
a brilliant fool
masquerading as genius

Or, perhaps,
a stellar genius
just acting
the fool

He wore his success
like a stagnant, rotting albatross
around his neck,

its stench his constant
companion and
splendid cologne

His Life Portrait was
abstract, askew

Each and every
moment of his moments

engorged with
gleeful rage and
upcoming root-canal apprehension

was a proverbial

Who constantly,

sought the problem,
the flaw,
the not-quite-right –

even in Summer’s pale roses

He just
took for granted

even in Heaven

there’s something
terribly off,

The angels’ harps just
a wee bit out of tune

Like I said,
this man
was a colossal mess –

Picasso gone wrong

Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson Comments

Shirley Galbraith 29 December 2009

I would like to know how to contact this poet for permission to read one of her poems in our church. Can anyone help? Thank you.

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