Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Sonnet 48: 'How So Awesome This Universe Has Been'

How so awesome this universe has been,
The rocks, rivers or Niagara Falls,
Colossal things or dismal, hardly seen,
Microbes or genes of our genetic halls;

Order Sublime

I have to say, by far too queer for me,
Are lips which speak of mindless universe,
When these did know that none is there to see,
Had happenstance, by chance, been the adverse;

Alpha And Omega

As things material have to start somewhere,
Like Big Bang or debris in empty space,
Might we then ask if space began from where,
The same with thoughts, and all, in every case?


As velvet haze so blankets the dusk
And too soon the crimson sunset fades
My delights still in the twilight bask
While sun beneath rolling waves recedes

The Love Not Chosen

Northward gaze I where shine the blazing lights
While far behind me lie the fields and huts
I scanned my mind now filled with fancy flights
One world goes open as the other shuts

Virtue And The Beast

To run, we could from threats besetting us
But naught we do for demons from within
Their obstacles laid on the paths we pass
Dictate the rise and fall our lives contain

Remember The Alamo

Freedom within grasp of their hands
Travis' men held the Fort in line
If later, none among them stands
Still, blowing all throughout those lands

The Ballad Of Bessy

Bessy pulls the cart towards home sweet home that day
Her size makes pulling baby carts as mere child's play
She's huge, a Labrador, gift of a Russian friend
Trained by a cop called Tim - that isn't his real name

Medals Of Clay

The glittering tokens of dignity,
Flaunted by men for all the world to see,
Could yet injure many a vanity,
Once taints appear as white's pureness would flee;

Love Sonnet 49: 'Oh Smile To Me, Not Of Dreams Remembered'

Oh smile to me, not of dreams remembered,
Nor of notes, long ago, recalled, rephrased,
Nor of songqs, newly sung, but remastered,
Nor of love, that Time got almost erased;

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