Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Sonnet 219: 'Come We Will Lie Among The Petals Strewn'

Come, we will lie among the petals strewn,
To lit the grass aglow with love we'll share,
Beneath the turf, what's there, ask not the moon,
Let not the past give us the least of care;


I'll gladly share Dreamland with you always,
Not to reserve one bit for other use,
But make its days smolder and nights ablaze,
And keep each one of us as love's recluse;

Love Sonnet 195: Her Touch Imbues My Heart With So Much Joy

Her touch imbues my heart with so much joy,
And heals the wounds without a graven scar,
My mind, its usual questing wits employ,
Confirms I may have stumbled on my star,

Love Sonnet 214: 'sunsets Have Oft Been Just Sunsets To Me '

Sunsets have oft been just sunsets to me,
Till we saw them as your hands clasp to mine,
And thereafter all skies we ever see,
Sunset or no sunset, became all fine;

Love Sonnet 215: 'I Know Not What The Coming Future Brings'

I know not what the coming future brings,
I hold no reins of destiny in hand,
But know that all the songs my heart now sings,
Will go on just for you while yet I stand;


I still recall the Spring I first met you,
You picked a pretty rose and passed me by,
Then I, to feel your hand, turned to pursue,
And smelled the rose you held as alibi;

Reminiscing The Cold War

When sleep cruising the night would linger not,
In bed laden with time worn cares, it bleeds,


When joy has fled the confines of your heart,
To sadness then, is where you sally forth,
Had you been queen, still nary could you thwart,
The glum where even clowns can't be of worth;

Villanelle 1: 'now That Summer Is Near'

She thinks of me, I swear
As that she would have done
Now that Summer is near


Moonlights without love, just a waste of moons,
Loose, empty hugs, apt tunnels for the wind,
Sand castles built upon the shifting dunes,
Such sorry wastes, I'm hapless to rescind;

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