Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

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The fragrances of Spring scented the air,
And creeks are running full of melted snow,
My eyes could not keep foolishly from glare,
Of early morning sun's radiating glow;


Oft lost in thoughts of you, till sleep finds me,
I would then drift to lands that naught I know,
But one solace, as dreams take me away:
The nymph giving me compauny is you;

Of Puppies And Kings

I read about a king last night,
So rich and powerful was he,
And how with vainglory and might,
He took as slaves men who were free,

Sweet Little Flower

Oh sweet little flower
Tell me what grieves your heart
Did June send no shower
That your small joys depart?

Villanelle 4: 'Oh Your Eyes'

Oh your eyes are bright, gleaming specks of light,
That could pierce my soul with their radiant glow,
To behold them close is such great delight;

Love Sonnet 157: 'Why Do I Do As Though My Dough Bakes Well'

Why do I do as though my dough bakes well,
When bread so lacked the tarts, your smiles impart,
Like tide that's been in ebb, I wait for swell,
And pray it comes, before you could depart;


Love, bless this quest I am about to start,
I'll sail the seas and leave this lonely wharf,
And like in days, when errand knights depart,
Please throw to me your lovely kiss-marked scarf;


If angels fall in love, will they, too, cry?
When utterly naive on how things go,
When not required to pass, by ways they shy,
Nor privy to the bliss, that fools would know;

The Stripper

She showed up in a faded dress of beige
Quite decent, till the time when she sat down
And then again when she has crossed her legs
This time though, there's no charge for what she'd shown


I held a rose and got pricked by its thorn,
The pretty rose is joy, the thorn is pain,
Such as I walk through life wherewith I'm born,
I hold that joys presage pains to obtain;

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