Looking from the inside out
Wondering what my life is all about
Trapped in this body is a mind
Going crazy most of the time
Morgan Thomas, three years old
daughter of Misty and Curtis
Diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor
In April of 2007
The First poem I wrote for Morgan
when she was diagnosed with a cancerous
brain tumor.
What is this world coming to? I ask myself
As I watch the news of the stories going on around me
I feel much compassion for those who suffer
I hope you were able to rest and last night is all but gone
hope you find today is a new day and yesterdays troubles are gone
Lift your head up high
for you have done nothing wrong
I am loosing control of the thoughts in my mind...
it is you I Think of allof the time.
what have we done and where will this go...
I want so much to hold you, but distance has won...
I have been your friend
A friend indeed
When you are down
It is me you seek
Prescriptions…. To ease the pain
By: Rhonda Moody August 12,2009
In Memory of Kim Hale Hudspeth RIP September 7,1960-August 9,2009
God’s path for Cayden
By: Rhonda Moody 7/21/2009
God had a plan
The 2ond poem I wrote for Morgan
Her parents were non-believers
throughout Morgan's illness many of her
family members recieved Christ.
Babies are a Blessing
No matter when they come
Though some may get the news
When they feel they are to young
Just another Friday night
riding around with her friends
hearing her favorite songs
and drinking a little beer
Just another Friday night
riding around with her friends
hearing her favorite songs
and drinking a little beer
I am Free / follow up from poem From the outside looking in
By: Rhonda Moody
Wow was my thought as I read the words
There was a storm brewing
Deep inside
Playing with my heart
And messing with my mind
Looking From The Inside Out
Looking from the inside out
Wondering what my life is all about
Trapped in this body is a mind
Going crazy most of the time
Never knowing from day to day
How I’ll be feeling when I awake
Sometimes going to bed at night
Thinking will there be another daylight
A state of confusion my brain is sometimes in
And a constant pain that comes from within
What will become of this life of mine
I want to be out but I am trapped inside
I remember I wasn’t always this way
A recent development I’ll have to say
Life of the party I used to be
Where is my life, I have to look to see
Wanting to do much more than I do
Desire still there, no energy who knew
Will I ever feel normal.. Like I use too
Do I even want to know the truth
I don’t think people see me, as I see myself
Hiding it all, I do quite well
How did I ever get this way
Broken body, broken spirit, depressed most days
In the mornings when I wake It’s then I see
What my body will have in store for me
Aching with pain is a reminder to me
Of what I cant do and who I cant be
I pray to the Lord both night and day
Please make me better for my family’s sake
My Husband and Sons have to put up with me
On good days and bad, but more bad days they see
I want to get out of this jail I am in
Trapped by my body and thoughts from within
I don’t want to be the way I am now
Always looking from the inside out