Richard Bunch

Richard Bunch Poems

After so many winters, the summer’s
Sun swims these worn hands and brightens the wine-
Shouldered hills. Coming home, no more going
Far, far away, I bring these memories

from here you can watch
waves blaze into

horizons that bleed and stretch

At the mercy of the wood warp
of indecision, between the famine
within and a compass without range,
I still dance in a sea penciled with despair

You get masked by the lines sometimes
like bluish dye, in the shape of
a wolf’s rib, shot through frost
or that other tigress, fire, though


We surrendered
through our cravings, embraced

furies in those philosophic limbs.

Green sloped searching hills
splash toward the sea
with its dissolving beaches
and cormorants diving.

“Sorta cigar shaped, ” she urged.

“Go get the ball, Orbis, ” said another.

This evening
ruffles of surf
draw out shrinking sand.


Today I can think of nothing to say.
Just listening to mute slivers of grass
As pink blossoms sputter around the path.
Fields of sunbright mustard throb in the day’s

Can you finger that skyey
Riot come of age with frost, mountains
Furrowed, the tympanics of spring?

The way she breathes with each deep stroke that feeds
Eddies and swirls, her paddle arches wide
As though to turn. But the currents that breed
The most difficulty are those well-tried,

among yellow stamens
and this salmon sunset—
a swan’s head

sunsets aflame
fiercest orange
yielding red

There were survivors in your family
Too. Before the kingdoms of Benin and
Ashoka’s India, you survived it
All: denying spirit to matter, and

We kiss beneath white wild stars
and open this earthly summer.

Our voices no longer tend to unison
In these boats drifting across dark waters,
No renaissance culls an older wisdom
From city lights or pain’s empty daughter.

A windy, clear day
in the soul of the body’s wartime-


Mary lived to bury her sisters and died
bite by bite by the sheer loss of earth.

Time pressing
the color of blood.

You want to scream

Through dreaming seems
Awake to be-
Apples compose your dream.

The Best Poem Of Richard Bunch

The Native Returns

After so many winters, the summer’s
Sun swims these worn hands and brightens the wine-
Shouldered hills. Coming home, no more going
Far, far away, I bring these memories
To a living end, one to remember.

A horseshoe tops the door of knotty pine,
Still exiles fortune’s shade. Yet home’s steep climb
From the past presents some memoried signs:
Eucalyptus odors, moss-ancient oak-
Once were these lost. Now nostalgia’s sired
Eyes find poppies on a hill’s leafy bed.

Such roots consume me, for they are love’s yoke
Where all’s remembered as strangeness desired.
After so many winters, winter’s dead.

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Richard Bunch 22 January 2010

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