Richard Ikolo Poems

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What You Should Know About God

God will never lie
God can never die
Those whom God cherish
God wouldn't have them perish

A Tribute To Teachers

You taught my hands to write
I knew the difference between wrong and right

The correction from your rod
Instilled in me the fear of God


Purpose propels your vision
And makes you fulfil your mission

Purpose backed up by determination


Patience does not subscribe to hurry
Patience will never give in to worry
Patience believes in slow and steady
Patience will tarry until you're ready

Quotations By Richard Ikolo

A Church with a Difference, a Congregation noted for their Distinction, a Community of Disciplined believers, rightly dividing the world of truth-that's where I belong.

Conviction is a catalystfor confidence and courage.

On Your Birthday

He made today possible
Glory to God, the invisible
For without Him you're nothing
To the Almighty, you owe everything

The Unexpected Guest

No prior notice, no inkling
Could come in the morning
And sets the family in mourning
Men wailing, women weeping

The End Of The Impenitent

Nemesis caught up with me
So will it always be
Suddenly, things became rough
Health condition made it tough

A Friend Or A Foe?

A friend is always there for you in time of adversity
A foe always takes undue advantage of your generosity
A friend truly cares
A foe makes you live in fears

He Paid The Price

He left His throne in glory
I'm glad to be a product of His story
He came for man's redemption
He lived to fulfil His mission

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