Richard Noggin Poems

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Make A Difference

At times it seems that good deeds go unseen
That kind words fall on death ears
You can lose yourself
Get frustrated


Separation from all things may be
A blessing
It gives a person time to reflect
And cherish life’s riches

Am I Capable

Am I Capable
My body rages within
Scared to fail
Scared to try

What Provokes A Man

Why does a man who fears failure
Attempt success
What motivates a man to produce
Anxiety in his life

Why Will I Not Allow Myself Peace

I fear failure but
Am not content with my lot in life
To strive for greater things
Produces doubt in my abilities

Thunderous Tragedy

Wandering thoughts of confusion
Drifting throughout my mind
Wondering if life is coincidence
Or controlled by the divine

I Run To You

I run to you
Wanting to you to know me
Afraid that you will reject me
Afraid that you will see through my self confidence

Love Was Never Meant To Last

Love was never meant to last
Like birth, it is born to die
It brings such hope and joy
Only to cause sorrow and tears when it ends


Our life is a series of opportunities
Even if we don’t choose them
Strange to think that we don’t except
All the opportunities that are presented to us

Alone With My Thoughts

Alone with my thoughts
They seem so loud in my head
Embarrassing what a person can think
How one holds a conversation with themselves

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