Richmon Rey Jundis Poems

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Stuart Mill's Whisper In The Cold Wind Of Tagaytay

(Utilitarian Poem)

Avaunt fears that keep on stalking me,
creeping under my bed as I think

Descartes' Rule 3

I can hear my heartbeats
while I examine myself consciously
existing in this round world

Two Diverging Roads

The cracks, covered by dust on the road,
Where my feet are taking now,
Lead me to two different familiar paths,
Paths that have their own beauty and darkness

Crippled Wings Of Dreams

The wings of my dreams start to weaken.
Before, they were wings of a ravenous Eagle
That used to fly my soul to the vast blue sky,
But now they have turned to a crippled wings of a wounded Dove

The Face Of Love

Love can be imperfectly imagined
With perfectly imperfect face:
With nourished dark brows
Above the hazel-brown eyes

A Rainy Day

My soul's voice is cold,
Heart is raining blood,
Mind is getting ready to explode like thunder.
Tears slowly pour down

You Are My Moonlight

I am the cold and dark side of the world,
Deprived of the warm rays of sunlight.
You are the dazzling crescent moon,
Staying up with me all night long.

Ephemeral Memories

Memories are running water in the river
That flows away with it's melancholic trickles.
They were once in front of my eyes,
But with just a blink of my teary eye

Take It Easy

I see you looking for the tiny spark of light
While you groping in the dark,
I badly want to help you find the light
I know that you're avoiding the fire from my heart,

Stop And Go

As the cheap hands
Of my Divisoria wristwatch
The point at the numbers
Where my right foot stepped in

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