Rita Pal

Rita Pal Poems

Take me away with you to the sunset's fire.
Take me away with you to dreamers desire
Take me away with you until the stars are a pyre.
Take me away with you to our soul's island

Lock me close to you for all my eternal lifetimes.
Love me locked to you till the ends of dreams,
My sunrises are handcuffed to your twilights.
Capture my thoughts for I am your prisoner,

Smile like the summer suns
Smile like the solar fires
Smile like the starlit nights
Just smile once more

Field of Dreams

Meet me in a field of gold
Where the sunlight rains

Stars and comets find him for me,
Seek my betrothed and let me glimpse
The dreams of his eyes and the fire of his soul.
Dawns crack and twilight’s dance

The secrets of daylight butterfly
Embroidered within its wings

For centuries, I have craved to snatch a glimpse of you,
For centuries, I have desired your timeless conversations,
Wrapped in the warm solar flares of the magical northern lights,
My prayers are heaven sent, reaching the glittering stars for you,

Fly from me to sunset dreams
Fly from me to Saturn's rings
Fly from me through diamond rains.
Fly from me through solar flares.

Moonlight, night-light, star-lights, fire-lights,
Lamplight, candlelight, tea-lights. street light
He ignites all my lights at midnight,
Softening his kisses to fire my senses.

Don’t say you love me
Don’t say you hate me
Don’t say you miss me
Don’t say you want me

Seas of dreams in turquoise silk
Quilts the sands of distant time
Mermaid trysts with ghostly sailors
Haunts the nights on turquoise bay

As gently as the summer breeze
As softly as the summer rose
As sweet as the summer rain


Wedding days laced with delicate dreams,
Waiting for the feather-tailed sparkling groom,
Scripted in clichéd Bombay celluloid colour
That manufactures the minds of the innocent,

Putrid meat of human flesh,
Feeding vultures circle
Parasitic like human nature.
Showers of knives that drive


The doll house people,
Two dimensional, glassed, iced

Shut the world with wooden doors
Shut me into your prisoner arms,
Frozen away in snow teared mountains
Freeze me in your eyes of wonder,

Dark, black blindness,
So I may view nothing
Of the rose on the sill
Episodic shots of street-light

Silent tears fall till endless dawns,
Clown smile plastered to daylight,
The hourglass drips slower,
Each sand particle draws blood.

Fly her away where skies caress the suns
And the dawns mist laughs for romantic nights.
Oh Persian peacock prince of moments
Where are thou-est gold dusted carpets?

Moonlit are the nights on Dal Lake
Starlit are the waves of Dal Lake
Firelit are the trysts on Dal Lake

Rita Pal Biography

Writer and Poet based in the United Kingdom a. North American Poetry Competition 1997. Second Prize. b. National Poetry Library Contest 1998. Runner up. c. Faber and Faber National Poetry Day Contest 1999. Second Prize d. Faber and Faber National Poetry Day Contest - Sutton Coldfield 2000. First Prize. e. Jazzclaw Poetry Competition 2002 Fourth place.)

The Best Poem Of Rita Pal

Take Me Away

Take me away with you to the sunset's fire.
Take me away with you to dreamers desire
Take me away with you until the stars are a pyre.
Take me away with you to our soul's island

For there we will meet by the sunrises of fire
For there we will remain locked in eternity's lair.

Rita Pal Comments

robin matthews 07 May 2018

shoddy work, has to be work of a struggling poet

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jamie welkins 07 May 2018

crass work sorry but had to say it

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gopi sarkar 07 May 2018

Amateurish poetry by an writer Seems this was done in your spare time or just to make a quick buck

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Richard Beevor 28 April 2014

you are the lady of the fireheart

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