Some I have tied in bundles, and a few kept in pockets
Some are in the leaflets and some are in my thought dockets
Some are as sweet as sugar and some are a dough of anticipation
Some have a essence of camphor & some are flickering precipitation

My throat..
something was there..choking my words
my feelings,
and suddenly the inadvertent tears cascaded,

True to the heart feelings seldom come and go unnoticed,
it is only if you yourself have driven the entire emotional significance
into deep dungeons of your conscience.
Such is the voice of the superimposed

The Best Poem Of RITU BANSAL


Some I have tied in bundles, and a few kept in pockets
Some are in the leaflets and some are in my thought dockets
Some are as sweet as sugar and some are a dough of anticipation
Some have a essence of camphor & some are flickering precipitation
Some are as soft as cushion under my head and some I have worn as a blanket
Some are lying in a pile of thoughts while some are in my backpack
These memories are unknown thoughts of known reverberations
These memories are sometimes the amalgam of my hearts' pulsation
They are an affair of the yesterdays with today, yet they appear like an array
These puzzled reunions are like dawn and sunset, of yesterday
Yet they are like a carnival of love with suspense when they gather
They are the warps and wefts of my heart's unsolved matter
Sometimes when I sit alone they appear like unknown queries
Have no time, to pen, whether they are the pain or sweet caramel of memories
These memories are sudden knocks on the door of time
Confused I pretend to permit or enquire, they are thoughts sublime
These memories are sometimes such sweet hearts
Like beautiful sparrows they land and fly away in parts
These blinds of life, I tangle or untangle
Which are sometimes a swathe of my soul's shingle
With love and care have I admire the picture I painted
Sometimes the slice of feelings pen down the destiny untainted
Keep them in a bag or give them a purse of your life
And spread them where I may pick them without any strife


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