Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Postmodernism

Religion is an imposer.
Family is an imposer.
Society is an imposer.

The Risks Of A Birth

Once born, one must find food and water
And escape the predator throughout one's life.
One must compete with rivals for food and sex.
Accidents and disasters must exclude one.

The Creator Is Beyond

Evolution is consistent
With the notion of creation;
Evolution requires creation
Of beings that evolve duly.

The Fruit Embittered.

Sanyasa is renunciation;
Tyaga is resignation.

To give up action (desires driven)

The Cruelest Event

Death is the cruelest event I face
Not that with that I leave everything
But that with that I leave my memory,
With which goes recalling ability.

The Chance Shows You The Path.

Maybe you've reached there because of your legs.
To reach there and not anywhere else rests
With the Chance that led you to choose that path.
The head must fill no air but bow to the Chance.

The Focused One Is The Hero/Heroin.

What you focus your eyes on
Would sideline others present
And gain importance more than its due
And demote others less than their due.

Imaginations Give Cues.

What is Heaven? What is Hell?
What are Angels? What are Demons?
I don't know and I haven't seen.
Religions said it in the mythology.

Do These Unite Or Divide?

People are drawn close one another
By region, religion and language
And feel united, only to stand
As groups pitted against each other.

Man Suffers More Than Animals.

I loved her but she didn't; I left; no pain;
I abandoned to love because I couldn't.

I loved her but forbidden; I lost; much pain;

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