Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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You Are Closest To Any.

You can’t find one who can stand
By you for every interest
That you represent in your life.
To no one can you be closest.

Man, A Self Sufferer

Man covets woman’s company
But forbid woman having it
For lack of confidence in her.
He’s an ultimate sufferer.

Suicide Is Sought.

Death is an instant reliever;
Death is the ultimate reliever.
No more fear, no more pain;
No more loss, no more shame.

Death By Dynasty Is Worth It.

‘Let me quit; it’s I who failed to feed you.’
Said the shrewd Queen.
‘Let me quit; it’s I who failed to clothe you.’
Said the naïve Prince.

Humility Addresses Prosperity.

Humility comes of magnanimity;
It is not the sign of timidity.
Humility comes of self confidence
Rather than from lack of confidence.

Father Tends Family.

Mother and children make a family.
Father is not a member of it yet.
He is to it as shepherd is to sheep.
Both are kept out to the groups they tend.

These Are Speculative.

How far can a hope be real?
How far can a fear be real?
What is a faith’s potential?
As long as these live, we can’t gauge.

Compete Casually.

On a highway, however fast you drive,
There are still vehicles ahead of you.
In a pathway, however low you live,
There are still people poor down below.

Do It To Outlive You.

The pride you have lasts as long as you live.
The things you possess lasts as long as you live;
The goodwill earned and the achievement made
Would outlive your life; with that pride live on.

Merciless Fleecing

In the name of growth and prosperity,
Hospitals fleece patients,
Colleges fleece students,
And bodies fleece clients.

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