Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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The Residual Effects

When I looked back on the situation,
I realized it was not what I thought
It was. A woman walked into my life,
So modest that I instantly fell for her.

Spouse Tolerance

However good your next husband may be,
He is a rascal to your children, to whom
No one is good to replace their father.
Don’t change partner till children are kids.

Women Victims

Men might offer helps to women,
Triggered by sexual impulses
And women may accept from them
With little sexual impulses.

Hits Aren’t Stopped.

When hit by brother,
I go to father.
When I hit sister
I ignore father

Pray Not For Health

Man is a predator of plants and animals.
Virus and bacteria are man’s predators.
Both are happening with the God’s knowledge.
Praying to Him for health is of no avail.

Stop Well Before

Patients have a limit;
Tolerance has a limit.
Beyond it, if you test
You would be hit back hard.

Two Opposite Things

Man cannot conceive like woman.
Is he equal to woman?
Woman will not rape as man does.
Is she equal to man?

The Basic Drives

Self preservation and race preservation
Are the basic drives with which life is run.
All kinds of actions are their extensions.
Hence, selfishness cannot be uprooted.

The Revelations Of Great Men

If you do something good in return,
You aren’t good; you settled a due.

If you do something good intently,

My Sons Too

My parents will not be
There to take care of me

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