Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Don’t Probe The Past.

You have had the past; so has she.
Don’t go to her past when in love
As you don’t expect her to repeat.
She could be as fresh to you now

Power Of The Eyes

A circle, drawn by dots or broken lines
Forms in the retina a complete circle,
Unbroken, the gaps dropped.

The Autobiography

You want to write your autobiography
At the end of your life
By when you will have gone infamous.
It will be outdated even to your kith and kin.

Horrible Ends

Parents gone, man falls on wife's relations;
When wife gone, he's ignored by her people.
Forgotten by siblings, children away
Or helpless, he meets horrible ends.

Fear Engulfs The Old.

An organ impaired, worry engulfs.
An organ weakened, fear engulfs.
In the old age, people suffer
From pain of fear, not fear of pain.

Many Answers

Is zebra black with white stripes
Or white with black stripes? I mused.
Are the Himalayas in the north
Or in the south? I question.

God Is Only To Man.

The universe is of many galaxies,
Galaxies are of many solar systems,
Which are of many planets and moons,
And our earth is one of many planets.

To Show As Great.

To criticize is to show one's wit and skills.
To argue is to show one's wit and skills.
In tributes, one show one's wits and skills.
These exercises are to show one as great..

No Universal Moral

The egg is meant for its embryo.
The seed is meant for its embryo.
The flower is meant for fruiting.
The milk is meant for its calf.

No Loss To The One Lost.

What does one lose the most on death?
The body? The belongings?
The beloved? The descendants?
The perception? The memory?

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