Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ramachandran Escaped.

A Pandora's box is open in Hollywood.
Producer Harvey Weinstein under attack;
Sexual assaults are accusations.
Thirty middle age actresses leveled.

Death, A Reliever

Death is certain to every birth.
Death is not alike to every birth.
It varies in the time and the manner.
Death, the relief, terminates birth, the curse.

Atavistic Fear Of Girls

Sex assaults have been institutionalized
In film industries and corporate fields.
Ladders, luxuries and money are baits.
Executives and business magnets are honey pot.

Future Is A Mystery

future is unseen and uncertain.
What happens next moment is not sure.
With assumption, presumption and hopes
We take the future granted in the light

What Is Reform?

Reform is change of form,
Which came as a reform.
Creation is a change
Of things made in existence.

Learning Unlearns.

When you learn that he is good,
You unlearn that he had been bad.
When you learn that you lost the purse,
You unlearn that it had been safe.

Immediacy Counts

The might and not the justice, rules
At every stage, at every place
In a given time, the weak yielding
To the objective or subjective strength.

God Only Knows

The lower court convicted the couple
For the murder of their teenage daughter.
They languished in the jail for four years.
The upper court acquitted the couple.

To Succumb To Fate

I have discounted cousins and siblings,
Now son and daughter and soon the spouse,
With experience and the age advancing,
From beingprobable last caretaker.

Post-Menopause Thrills

Call for a taxi for a trip.
Call a mechanic for a work.
Contact with them is specific.
No attachment is outcome.

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